China's exports to Asia's detailed security began to surpass the United States.China's trade relationship with Ya'an is very important. Asia Dan'an is the backyard of China, so how to cooperate with it in China is very important ... If China's economic growth slows down by a percentage point, Singapore's growth will slow down.More than one percentage point is the most affected in the regional market.

-Dr. Chen Enterprise, Chairman of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee of Singapore

The occurrence of new crown diseases, causing a new wave of epidemic, climate change, protectionism, and intensive trade war, etc., are potential risks that may affect global and Singapore's economic growth this year.

The Chairman of the Singapore Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee Chen Enterprise Chen Enterprise Dr. Chen Enterprise on Saturday (January 7shy; Sunday) in Lianhe Zaobao Economic Outlook and Investment Lecture 2023, and delivered a speech on the topic of "Singapore's countercurrent in the globalization challenge"The above point of view.

Chen Enterprise actively pushed the vaccine vaccination rate for the Singapore government during the anti -epidemic, and launched fiscal policy to support small merchants to reduce the impact of merchants."Our government is in the entire process of resistance, I will give it 80 points."

However, Chen Enterprise pointed out that the occurrence of new crown -mutant strains caused a new wave of epidemic, which was still one of the main risks that many Asia -Pacific scholars, merchants and government officials were worried about.

Persist in the four core interests of the four cores in the world

In addition, the competition between China and the United States is increasingly fierce, which is also highly concerned by the international community.Chen Enterprise believes that the Sino -US trade confrontation must not only avoid the side stations, but also the source.

"On the one hand, we must be safe and economic development. How can we control the source? This is what we can think. I think Singapore must continue to repeat the four important core interests to the international community."

He said: "First of all, as long as it is regional development and the international trade in accordance with the rules of the game, we support it. Whether it is the United States, China or any EU country, as long as they do not support globalization, and they do not support globalization, they do not support globalization.We cannot agree or agree with game rules. "

In addition, any infrastructure that can promote regional development is important to the booming development of Singapore. It can drive employment and is the second core interest in Singapore.

Chen Enterprise believes that it is the third core interest of Singapore's corporate governance to be corrupted with zero tolerance and attach great importance to corporate governance."Of course, the last one is the stability and security of the region. Who can cooperate with them who bring the region."

He further pointed out that China's exports to Asia's detailed security began to surpass the United States."The trade relationship between China and Ya'an is very important. Asia Dan'an is the backyard of China, so how to cooperate with it in China is very important."

Chen Enterprise quotes the data of the World Bank. If China's economic growth slows down by a percentage point, Singapore's growth will slow more than one percentage point, which will be the greatest impact in the regional market.

Zeng Yuancang: Sino -US relations may gradually turn well

However, Chen Enterprise is relatively optimistic about Singapore's economic outlook in 2023 and believes that the recovery of international tourism can drive economic growth."The Ministry of Trade and Industry predicts that economic growth is 0.5 % to 2.5 % this year, and I think it should fall at about 2.5 %."

In the lecture on the same field, Dr. Zeng Yuancang, a special professor at the City University of Hong Kong, also pointed out in a speech on the title of "Sustainable Investment in the Chaos" that competition between China and the United States is an important factor affecting the economy and investment.

He believes that 10 Asian -free member states have clearly expressed their positions that do not choose the side stations, and China and the United States cannot force any member states to choose the side station.

"Asian'an is now the largest partner of China's foreign trade, a very large economy, and it is certain that Yajia'an will develop into a huge economy like the European Union in the future."

Although the current competition between China and the United States is fierce, Zeng Yuancang believes that Sino -US relations will slowly reconcile. Especially after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chinese officials have successfully re -elected, and their strong stance on the United States may begin to be soft.

Zeng Yuancang also analyzed the trend of this year's global stock market and his views on the Monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve.