

Double Festive

After China promulgated the "New Ten Articles" measures on December 7 to optimize the prevention of epidemic prevention, the personnel adjustment of the local members of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China immediately restarted.Chen Minda, the former secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, completed the last task of the Lord of the Mountains for more than five years, and gave the stick to Yuan Jiajun, the former secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee who came to the Chongqing.

Chongqing held a meeting of leading cadres on December 8. In the speech after Yuan Jiajun took the stick, it had revealed some clues about Chongqing's development ideas.

He announced that it will focus on promoting high -quality development in Chongqing, accelerate the construction of science and technology innovation centers with national influence, and at the same time, the construction of the new channel of the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle and the Western Land and Sea New Channel will be placed in the city's modernization.Echoing the 20th National Congress and the Central Political Policy, it is also predicted that the economy will be revived as a starting type.

Yuan Jiajun has repeatedly thrown out the "New Chongqing" expression, saying that "the new development of Chongqing in the new era and new journey in the new era and the new weather of Chongqing" is intended to brew a new weather in office.

Compared with Chen Minle's three -week anti -epidemic zero strategy in Chongqing, Chen Minle finally implemented a three -week resistance of the city, and Chongqing, at the beginning of the Yuan family's masterpiece, is the same as all parts of the country.Coexist with coronal virus, and at the same time turn the focus of work to catching the economy, trying to catch up with the growth goals.

On the second day of the new day, Yuan Jiajun gave priority to inspection as the Liangjiang New District of the important economic development zone of Shancheng. During the period, he went to Changan Automobile, a large car production factory to investigate and discuss, and requested to accelerate the recovery and resumption of production and resumption of business.He encouraged enterprises to firmly develop confidence, increase research and development efforts, build an innovative ecology, advance towards the goal of industrial modernization, and release a clear signal to strengthen technological innovation.

Only 20 days after coming to Chongqing, Yuan Jiajun's weekly work schedule was obviously grasping the economy.He held an economic work symposium on December 13 to evaluate the current stage of Chongqing's economic innovation and competitiveness in the stage of "climbing overlap."

In fact, when Chen Miner reported at the Chongqing Party Congress at the end of May this year, it was pointed out that the economic and people's livelihood was a shortcoming that Shancheng must pay attention to solution in the next five years.However, in the second half of the year, it has been hit by the epidemic, high temperature, and drought. Chongqing's economy has always been unable to get rid of the downturn. It has a high probability that about 5.5 % of the growth target set at the beginning of the year will be missed.

Nevertheless, Yuan Jiajun emphasized the against time and sprinting all over the time.He pointed out that it is the most urgent task to restore the normal operation of society as soon as possible and accelerate economic recovery. It is necessary to fully grasp the project to expand investment, stabilize the company's confidence, and stimulate residents' consumption vitality.

Mayor Hu Henghua will make an annual government work report on the opening of the first session of the Sixth National People's Congress in mid -January next year.Yuan Jiajun's statement not only revealed the urgent mood of economic recovery, but also guided the deployment of economic work goals in advance.

Yuan Jiajun went to the private enterprise to investigate discussions on December 20, emphasizing that the private economy has a pivotal position in the city's economic development, but there is still insufficient shortcomings in development.The main force of quality development.

After the Chongqing Sixth Municipal Party Committee took shape in early June this year, he held a plenary meeting after more than half a year. It was the first time that Yuan Jiajun made a work report on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and met with a large number of municipal party committee members and alternate members.

The theme of this meeting is based on the theme of "New Era, New Chongqing", and establish the goal of the construction of Shancheng in the next five years.Yuan Jiajun led the new leadership team to take the opportunity to issue a policy program, and the "New Chongqing" was approved at the meeting.

The decision documents reviewed and approved by the plenary session mainly focused on three aspects, including implementing the spirit of the 20th.Chongqing, which establishes Yuan Jiajun's government, takes political loyalty and economic development as the main axis of the work.

Luo Yan, Secretary -General of the Chongqing Municipal Committee, introduced at a press conference on December 22 that New Chongqing mainly contains five "new", involving effectiveness, contribution, status, feelings and meteorological.

In fact, in the five "new", only new contributions have substantial content. It proposes to make new contributions to Chongqing in Chinese -style modernization, including promoting major strategic superpositions such as the Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle and the construction of the new channels in the Western Luhai.Efforts are worked at the forefront and demonstration in the modernization process of the western region.

The document is also based on the "six significant improvement" of the Chongqing Party Congress in May this year, further optimizing and improving the key performance indicators (KPI) of the development of the next five years, including regional GDPs and per capita GDP, respectively.100 million yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 77.2 billion) and 120,000 yuan.

Last year, only 4 trillion yuan of GDPs in Beijing and Shanghai, and Chongqing GDP was less than 2.8 trillion yuan.If the goal is achieved, Chongqing will be ranked among the first -tier cities.

Determine the document, and at the same time, it proposes 19 measures around the construction of a new Chongqing to optimize the business environment, promote the development of state -owned enterprises and private economy, etc., and deploy special deployment to echo Yuan Jiajun's attention to the private economy.

The "New Chongqing" of Yuan Jiajun's main administration has not mentioned the poisonous king Sun Deng, showing that this political and historical burden may have been put down.The focus of Chongqing's work in the next five years may be based on "talking about politics" in the period of Chen Miner, and gradually shifted to more places to "talk about the economy."Chongqing's economic development structure has gradually taken shape, but specific measures may not have to have more eyebrows early next year.