"White lung" and "primitive strains"Recently, it has become a high -frequency word in China's epidemic tsunami.

On Monday (December 26), the two entries of "primitive strains" and "big white lung" rushed to Weibo hot search.Recently, there are rumors on the Internet that those who have crown diseases have found that pneumonia or white lungs appear in CT during the consultation, which may be related to the original strain or vaccination.

Earlier, many patients with coronary diseases have been circulating on the Internet, but the official data has not disclosed the relevant data.From an objective perspective, it is not difficult to find the reason why public opinion is drawn with primitive strains, which is actually not related to the memory three years ago.As early as 2020, in the Wuhan epidemic, some patients with crown diseases with severe lung disease had had white lungs.

On the official website of the National Health and Health Commission of China, a report called Life and Death Jinyin Lake recorded the last situation of the Chinese people's last attention to "white lungs".The article mentioned, "Generally, the onset is more urgent, the white blood cell count is normal or low, and the specific imaging of the lungs changes, the double lungs are permeated with the shadow of the glass, and the bilateral lungs of the critical patients have developed into white lungs."

According to interface news reports, in the study of pneumonia caused by crown diseases in 2020, many articles also mentioned more serious lung infection, which was one of the reasons for the death of patients at the time.Therefore, three years have passed, and how many patients will have white lungs still trouble in the public, and there are very few official statistics in this area.

ChinaThe photos circulating on the Internet show that the left picture is "big white lung" and the picture on the right is normal lungs.(Internet)

What is white lungs?Jiao Yahui, director of the Medical and Political Department of the China National Health and Health Commission, said on Tuesday (27th) that white lungs are a spoken description of lung imaging performance.Generally speaking, when the lung inflammation is heavier and exudes more, that is, when the area of the white image area reaches 70%to 80%, it is clinically called white lungs in spoken language.

Jiao Yahui further explained that the reason why "white lungs" appear "white lungs" are first related to the principle of portrait of the lung imaging.She said that the lungs are composed of alveoli. The alveoli is full of air. When CT or X -ray examination, the rays pass through the alveoli and the image performance is a black area. However, when inflammation or infection appears in the alveoliWhen and inflammatory cells, the alveoli is filled with these exudate fluids and inflammatory cells, the rays are not penetrated, and white areas appear in imaging.The white area reflects the imaging performance of the exudate, and it is not that the lung tissue entity has become white.

Jiao Yahui emphasized that it is not to say that as long as the lungs have inflammation, they are all white lungs. White lungs are more serious pneumonia manifestations. At this stage, patients will experience hypoxia or respiratory distress.With the absorption of the exudate and the fading of inflammation, the performance of the white lungs will gradually decline, and the imaging performance of the lungs will gradually recover into a black area.

However, Jiao Yahui did not directly respond to the proportion of patients with white lungs.She said that patients with serious basic diseases may occur, but such patients accounted for very low proportion.

Jiao Yahui also mentioned that not only the coronary virus, but many pathogens can cause lung inflammation, such as respiratory tract hypotenocytosis, influenza virus, including some bacteria, such as the Legion bacteria, which can cause lung inflammationIn severe cases, inflammation can occur.In other words, do not blame all causes of white lungs on the coronary virus.

As for the external speculation of the association of white lungs and primitive strains, Jiao Yahui rumors said that white lungs have nothing to do with primitive strains and vaccines.And pointed out that some of the white lungs on the current network are not real white lungs, and some have not reached a very serious level. They are mistaken for white lungs.

中国国家卫健委Jiao Yahui, the director of the Medical and Political Department, said at the press conference of the State Council's joint defense and control mechanism on December 27 that the so -called "white lung" that appeared now has nothing to do with the original strain, and the current popular strain is still Omikon Rong RongPoison.(China News Agency)

Chang Rongshan, an expert in Chinese virus, also published the same discussion in an interview with the daily economic news.He made it clear that from the perspective of the results of the sequencing of Chinese strains and the iterative spectrum of popular strains, it is impossible for primitive strains to occur in China at present; the culprits that have been highly concerned by the public may not be completely from coronal virus.

Xu Wenbo, director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center, quoted data that according to real -time dynamic monitoring, from early December, China monitored nine epidemic virus virus subconsideRong variants.At the same time, no Delta mutant strains were popular, nor did it find that Delta mutant strains were reorganized with Omikon.

He also introduced that no characteristic genome mutations were found in these sub -branches, all of which came from overseas input.A total of 31 Omikon variants in December were entered into China, including BQ.1, XBB and other sub -branches that are accelerating abroad.

Based on the rumors, explanations, and explanations of the above -mentioned experts and officials, it is shielded that there are currently no primitive strains in China and no new mutant strains.However, coronal virus can still lead to white lungs. As for how much chance, there is no answer.

Some Weibo netizens teased this: "The words of the experts are reversed, just right!"The ambiguous words are the same as that. "Faced with these doubts, some netizens point out that this is a problem with the credibility of the government. The reason for the reason that believes that it is related to the emergence of epidemic prevention policies that suddenly turns, and the epidemic data that has a certain amount of out -of -exit.

China's current situation is more special.First, almost all countries in the world have hit the trend of infection to varying degrees, and China does not.Second, the people of many countries have inoculated the crown vaccine of the messenger ribonucleic acid (MRNA), nor of China.Furthermore, China no longer releases detailed epidemic data, which has caused concerns about how the coronary virus will evolve, whether it will give birth to new virus strains, and whether the pathogenicity of new poisons will be stronger.

Shanghai Changning District 12On the 23rd, a hot clinic was hanging.(Agence France -Presse)

In fact, as early as China still strictly implemented a strict dynamic clearance policy, some experts warned that although this policy could control the infected cases at a very low level,But at the same time, the group's immunity will deteriorate.Therefore, once the control measures are relaxed, the tsunami -type outbreak may occur, and the surge in the epidemic will cause the probability of virus variation in a short period of time to increase.

A, the director of the clinical epidemiological center of Washington University, San Louis, said in an interview with VOA that every time someone is infected, it may be a chance to mutate the virus, soLarge -scale explosive cases have increased, which will undoubtedly increase the possibility of new mutation.

"China has appeared in such a short time (so much) the number of infections has increased the probability of a new mutant version. We haven't seen it (new virus strain), but this possibility is nowIndeed, it has increased sharply, because the number of infections has exploded rapidly in a very short time. "

Hostez, the president of the National Tropical Medical College of Houston Bayi Medical College, also believes that China's current infectionOutbreaks are likely to promote the emergence of new mutant viruses.He wrote in Twitter on December 19: "The coronary virus is not controlled by many people who have not been vaccinated or vaccinated in China in China.Variation), similar to the emergence of Delta in the vaccine population in India in early 2021. "

The World Health Organization said on March 1, 2021 in the Chinese official website." A virus is in the crowdWhen it is widely spread and leads to many people infection, the possibility of virus variation will increase. The more opportunities for virus transmission, the more opportunities to copy, and more opportunities to change. "

Article articleIt is also mentioned that most virus mutations have little effect on the ability of viruses to cause infection and disease.However, according to the location of changes in the virus genetic material, they may affect the characteristics of the virus, such as the spread rate or severity.

Inference the above -mentioned experts and WHO says that with a large area of infected people in China, the local pop -up virus may mutate.

However, not everyone is worried about the new strains.Jin Dongyan, a professor at the Department of Biochemistry of the University of Hong Kong Medical College, told VOA that in theory, so many people in theoretically infected in infection will increase the risk of new mutant plants. "But it is unlikely. China's vaccination rate is very high."At present, the vaccination rate of Chinese crown disease exceeds 90 %, but less than 60 % of the additional additions have been used.

Bloomberg quoted Goldstan, a evolutionary virusist at the University of Utah, saying that the differences in immune status in China and other parts of the world make it unlikely that the emerging Omikon mutant strains are unlikely toWith greater communication advantages.

"I don't particularly worry about virus variations that may occur in China ... I don't think the situation in China will seriously affect other regions.And cause trouble? Possible, but this is not within my expected scope. "

Zhang Hui, a professor at the Department of Prevention and Medicine of Northwestern University, said in an interview with British Broadcasting Corporation that China's current mainstream strain is OmiKe Rong BF.7 or other very highly spreading strains, and described this ceiling close to "virus dissemination ability".To appear a new advantage strain that can defeat them, it is necessary to have a significant and strong actual communication ability. It is difficult to achieve such a mutation, or a small probability event.

In summary, after nearly three years of high -intensity epidemic prevention and control, Chinese society has been in the case of new development, especially unfavorable changes.EssenceThe virus is cunning and many ends. The vaccine that should be used is still to be worn. The mask you should wear still need to be worn. Once there are new mutant viruses to kill, it will not be completely caught off guard.