Jingqiang Xinyun

As the Chinese economy fell into a sting, the CCP's senior officials held the annual Central Economic Work Conference last week.At this meeting and after a few days, the official release the strongest voice to support the private economy.

Looking at the news released by the official media, the biggest change in the Central Economic Work Conference this year is the change of attitude towards the private economy.In the meeting for the task of work deployment next year, the "effectively implementing 'two unshakables" ranked third. The meeting emphasized that in response to the incorrect discussion of "two unwavering" in the society, "must be brightThe attitude is not ambiguous. "It is necessary to settle the requirements for the equal treatment of state -owned enterprises and private enterprises in the system and law, and encourage the support of the private economy and private enterprises from policies and public opinion.Enterprise solving problems and doing practical things.

In terms of focusing on domestic demand, the meeting also mentioned that it is necessary to encourage and attract more private capital to participate in major national projects and the construction of shortcoming projects; at accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system, the meeting proposes to support platform enterprises to lead the development of development., Create employment and international competition.

In comparison, the expression mentioned by the Central Economic Work Conference in 2020 and 2021, preventing the disorderly expansion of capital, preventing the growth of capital, and common prosperity, etc., did not appear at the official official after this year's Central Economic Work ConferenceIn the news released by the media.

Two days after the end of the Central Economic Work Conference, the official media and People's Daily posted on the conspicuous position of the headlines, revealing more details of the meeting.What is particularly noticeable is a sentence that Chinese officials said at the conference: "I have always supported private enterprises, and they are also done in places where the private economy is developed." This statement is regarded as a support for supporting the private economy.A fixed sound.

On the same day, local officials also acted.In Zhejiang, known for its developed private economy, the newly appointed secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Yi Lianhong inspected Alibaba Park and urged this e -commerce giant to "show its skills in promoting development, international competition and benefiting the society."This is the first time that Ali suffered a regulatory storm two years ago. For the first time, the CCP's senior officials went to inspect. Not only did the storm of the Ali face have come to an end, but Internet companies like Ali will be given the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the economy in the future.

Before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in mid -October, some economists were that the Chinese economy had occurred in the past 10 years.After the 20th National Congress, many analysts have also been pessimistic that in the next five years or even more, China will not continue to focus on the economy. Instead, it will focus on stability, control, and promoting equality of wealth distribution.

As the first Central Economic Work Conference after the 20th National Congress, the official consensively consensus the private enterprise and the private economy at the conference and after the meeting.Market confidence, especially the confidence of stabilizing private enterprises.

This is self -evident to the current importance of China's economy.The private economy accounts for the "five six, seven or eight -nine" of the Chinese economy, contribute more than 50 % of taxes, more than 60 % of the total domestic product, more than 70 % of technological innovation, more than 80 % of urban labor employment, and more than 90 % or moreNumber of enterprises.

But in the past two or three years, the confidence of the private economy has fallen to the bottom.On the one hand, private enterprises and private entrepreneurs are troubled by the policy "left" anxiety. Under the huge momentum of officially suppressing monopoly and cracking down on capital, rectifying the platform's economy and the Internet industry, some private entrepreneurs step down and go abroad."It is a blessing to cross the street.Under the tone of "houses and not frying", the property market was depressed and a large number of private housing companies encountered a cold winter due to financing problems.The official "double reduction" policy has made the teaching and training industry have no way to live overnight.

On the other hand, the "clear zero" policy that lasts three years has made small and medium -sized private enterprises difficult.In various places, a large number of energy and resources that were originally used to develop economy were consumed in epidemic prevention. Limited personnel flow also caused the retail, catering, tourism and other industries to be difficult to succeed.frustration.

From the official recently released signals, the private sector will be the main point for China to boost the economy. The atmosphere has been in place, and what will happen to the policy will attract attention.

Optimisticly, China has formally bid farewell to the zero policy and removes a major obstacle to economic development.Under a highly centralized system, after the development of the private economy, the policy implementation is expected to not have much hindrance.The trader of the Chinese economy will be Li Qiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Political Bureau. However, he is familiar with the private economy.develop.Li Qiang supports the experience of private enterprises and his understanding of private enterprises, and believes that it can create conditions for the private economy back to the right track.

However, there are not many high -level high -levels to private enterprises in recent years. In 2018, the business environment of private enterprises has deteriorated. Public opinion has questioned "the retreat of the country in the country". Chinese senior officials also endorsed private enterprises, emphasizing that "private enterprises and private entrepreneursIt's ourselves. "This time, the confidence in private enterprises will be different. Whether it can be finally transformed into a long -term environment of fairness, freedom and looseness, and letting the private economy open a new page, it may be the most concerned about private enterprises and private entrepreneurs.