Huang Yingsheng, a former criminal judge of the Supreme People's Court of China, said that with the official announcement of the "New Ten Articles" of the Anti -Organizational Epidemic Prevention Measures, China's epidemic prevention policy has been adjusted.Therefore, he suggested that the public prosecution law and other organs should also be adjusted in the treatment of the case -related cases. "Some should not be convicted and punished now. All those who have not taken effect will be terminated.Prosecution or cancellation of case treatment. "

According to the Economic Observation Network report, Huang Yingsheng has served as the deputy director of the Criminal Division of the Supreme People's Court of China.He also said that for some of the judgments that have come into effect, for example, after the coronal virus evolved into Omikon virus in November 2021, those who were punished by criminal or administrative penalties for spreading Omikon viruswrong.

Huang Yingsheng also pointed out that the judges of the District Court feedback to him. The procuratorate in the area where their area was located was planned to be prosecuted to the court, and the public security organs have been returned to the public security organs.Cases are only handled by administrative violations.He emphasized: "This is undoubtedly a good trend."

At the end of 2019, the crown disease epidemic began to start, and China implemented strict control measures.

On January 2020, 2020, the National Health and Health Commission of China issued an announcement that crown diseases were included in Class B infectious diseases stipulated in the China Infectious Disease Prevention Law, and measures and control measures of class A infectious disease were taken;At the same time, the crown disease is included in the management of quarantine infectious diseases stipulated in the China National Border Health and Quarantine Law.

Since then, China has been in case of judicial accountability due to violations of the regulations of coronary controlling control and control of the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Economic Observation Network retrieved the judgment case announced by the Chinese Supreme People's Court's "China Magistrate Document Network" found that it has been found that there have been about 80 cases since 2020.