Australian Foreign Minister Huang YingxianDuring the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, visiting China has become the first Australian Foreign Minister who visited China for four years.Two years after the suspension of the Sino -Australian ministerial dialogue, Huang Yingxian's visit to China has aroused expectations of the recovery of China -Australia relations.

Before the departure, Huang Yingxian and Australian Prime Minister Albanis held a joint press conference.Huang Yingxian explained the reason for the visit to China at a press conference.

Huang Yingxian, 53, said that many "hard issues" in China -Australia relations need time to solve it. In a meeting with Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, she urged China to cancel export products to Australia.Trade sanctions will also propose to release Cheng Lei and Yang Heng, a Australian citizen detained by China.

From the introduction of Huang Yingxian at the press conference, Australia's talk about this time mainly includes trade and consular issues, and these issues have been long for a long time.

The continuous discounted China -Australia relations

The starting point of China -Australia's evilness began in 2017.At that time, the Australian government issued a ban on Huawei on the grounds of national security, stopping the commercial cooperation between Huawei and Australia, and became the first country to openly prohibit Huawei from participating in 5G network construction.

Many analysts believe that Huawei is representative of the ban on the incident and starts the precedent of Huawei's resistance in the West.In this incident, Australia clearly tended to the United States in the game between China and the United States, which became the crux of the deterioration of Sino -Australian relations.Chinese ambassador to Australia, Xiao Qian, once described that Huawei was banned as the first shot of deterioration of China -Australia relations.

Australian government In 2018It is forbidden to participate in the construction of the country's 5G construction.(Agence France -Presse)

However, despite being dissatisfied with Australia at the time, many economic benefits between China and Australia were continued.Australia's natural resources are still flowing to China, and Chinese tourists and students continue to surge in Australia.However, after the outbreak, the situation changed dramatically.

The Australian Morrison government responded to the United States again in 2020 and demanded an international investigation of the origin of crown disease.This ignites the fuse of the Sino -Australian trade dispute.China began to impose unilateral trade sanctions on Australia in May of that year, prohibiting Australian companies from exporting beef, barley, cotton, coal and other products to China, and levying high anti -dumping taxes on Australian barley and wine, reducing the import of coal.

China's counterattack has not stopped trade. China has cut off all ministerial contacts and arrested or sentenced many Australian people since 2020.Among them, Cheng Lei and Yang Hengjun are the most noticeable. Both are the "institutions" characters in the Chinese government.Yang Heng's real name Yang Jun, who was former Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After immigrating to Australia in 1999, he often published articles involving democracy and human rights as a writer.The Chinese government arrested him on the grounds that he was suspected of hazarding national security activities, and accused him of committing a "spy crime".

Cheng Lei has served as a financial journalist and host of China CCTV and China International Television for 18 years. On February 5, 2021, the Chinese government was "suspected of illegally providing national secrets to provide national secrets abroad on February 5, 2021."Dedicated.Analysis generally believes that Cheng Lei and Yang Heng are both victims of the deterioration of relations between Australia and China.

What changes to Huang Yingxian's visit to China?

Australia banned Huawei and the source of crown diseases, which occurred in the office of former Prime Minister Turnbull and Morrison, and both came from the Australian Liberal Party.After the Australian Labor Party leader Albanis took office in the middle of this year, he was more active in restoring China -Australia's conversation. The relationship between the two countries seemed to show signs of thawing.

Australian Prime Minister Albanis met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 20th National Group Summit in Bali Island.Regarding this conversation, Albanis described: "This is another important measure toward Australian relations with Chinese relations ... Talking calmly and directly to each other will definitely benefit both parties, and it also needs to take many measures."

Albanis is also one of Huang Yingxian's pusher of this visit to China.He wrote in the press release published on the official website of the Australian Prime Minister's office: "Trade between China and Australia and strong humanities, culture and business connections have brought huge benefits to the two countries. Wednesday (December 21) coincides with China AustraliaThe 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, we are glad to have the opportunity to commemorate this day. "

After Albanis came to power, seeking ice break with China.The picture shows that he attended the ASEAN Summit on November 13.(Reuters)

But he also emphasized that although Australia seeks to establish a stable relationship with China and is willing to cooperate under possible situations, it will also put forward different opinions on necessary issues and start from national interests.Contact China.

Before Huang Yingxian's visit, there were many discussions on the results of this visit.Many Western media believe that the crux of China -Australia's evilness lies in Australia's stations in geopolitics. Whether it is a Liberal Party or Labor Party, there will be no essential differences in China.

For example, in the election of the Prime Minister, Albanis criticized the Morrison government that the signing of a security agreement between China and the Solomon Islands was "the biggest failure of Australian foreign policy after World War II".The Labor Party also believes that higher -level officials should be sent to visit the Solomon Islands for lobbying.It can be seen that the starting points of the Australian parties when they strive for interests for the country are consistent, but the methods are different.

Can you look forward to the substantive result?

Some comments believe that it cannot be naive to expect that China and Australia can achieve substantial results in the short term.Huang Yingxian's former senior adviser, Bem, said in an interview with VOA that he thought that he would not see any major statements, nor did it think that China would announce the end of sanctions on Australian imported products.

But Bem emphasized that the dispute between China and Australia will slowly alleviate in a gradual relaxation manner, so the outside world should not over -interpret Huang Yingxian's visit.He said that Huang Yingxian's visit to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia is a symbolic event, but it has great significance because it shows that Australia and China have begun to operate normal, mature, management and calibration.

As for the transformation of the Australian policy, Bam said that the Albanis government wants to prove that it is a mature and capable government, and is willing to manage the relationship with China in professional and diplomatic methods.The last government was more inclined to use the method of publicity to make a very strong public statement on all aspects of bilateral relations.

So far, the Chinese media shows the attitude towards the development of China -Australia relations.The Global Times of the China Official Media People's Daily, the Global Times of the Global Times quoted a number of Chinese scholars, saying that the Masanis government's tone and words on China -related issues are obviously different from their predecessors, but in many substantial issues, Australia, AustraliaOfficials still need to take practical measures to change their thinking for China.

The Global Times also described that Albanis showed his willingness to improve relations between the two countries, "it is the self -correction of Australian diplomacy after entering an extreme."The Sino -Australian relations have deteriorated suddenly in the past few years. In the first two sessions, the Australian Turnbull government and the Morrison government need to bear historical responsibilities."

Song Guocheng, a researcher at the International Research Center of Taiwan Political University, believes that Beijing hopes to recover through Australian relations to achieve the purpose of differentiation of the United States and Australia.China's diplomacy and "not lunch for nothing." The United States not only assisted Australia to establish nuclear submarines, but also tried to establish a mobility base for bombing fleets in North Australia. He said that the national security and strategic cooperative relationship between Australia and the United States is still veryIn closely, China hopes to reverse Australia's excessive pro -American policies with economic and trade benefits.

Australian Senator Simon Birmingham is interviewed by Australian Broadcasting Corporation that China and Australia can support a stable, prosperous and prosperous and prosperous.The open Indo -Pacific region obtains benefits, but "the ultimate test of any dialogue lies in results."

Huang Yingxian has been the Foreign Minister of Australia's Shadow Cabinet since 2016. It is not a novice diplomatic. Can the first Chinese foreign minister in Australia achieve substantial results in this visit to China and whether China -Australia relations can gradually be gradually.Back to warm, maybe it takes a period of observation.