Geng Shuang, deputy representative of China Permanent in the United Nations, called on relevant parties to strengthen the awareness of urgency, reflect responsibility, step up dialogue contact, strive to reach a consensus on the early decisive issues, promote the full agreement of the Iranian nuclear issue to restore complete and effective implementationEssence

According to the news on Monday (December 19), the current official website of the United Nations, Geng Shuang said in a speech at the UN Security Council ’s Iraqi Nuclear issue that the Iraqi nuclear issue was a comprehensive agreement with the Security Council.Important multilateral diplomatic achievements are classic examples of dialogue and negotiation to resolve disputes. It is also a key pillar that maintains the international nuclear non -diffusion system and the peaceful and stable in the Middle East.

He said that the previous US government withdrew from the full agreement unilaterally and pressured the Iraqi limit, which caused the Iraqi crisis.After the US government decided to return to the comprehensive agreement, all parties conducted several rounds of negotiations and made many positive progress.However, it is regrettable that since August this year, the resumption of performance negotiations has fallen into stagnation again, and the future of the Iranian nuclear issue is unknown.

Geng Shuang said that dialogue negotiations have always been the only correct way to solve the Iran nuclear issue.All parties should cherish the difficulty of negotiating results in the past two years, show diplomatic wisdom, make political decisions, and eliminate obstacles.China welcomes Iran to deal with the flexible posture of unreasonable issues recently. I hope that other parties such as the United States will seize the opportunity and go with the Iraqi side to promote the key progress of the negotiations.

He said that as the initiator of the Iraqi crisis, the United States should recognize his responsibilities and take the lead in taking practical measures.China has called on the United States to fulfill the agreement promise to lift all unilateral sanctions on Iraqi and third parties and measures for "long -arm jurisdiction" to stop threatening the use of force on Iraq.China must also emphasize that the relevant party should fulfill its own responsibility for preventing proliferation to avoid the nuclear cooperation with the purpose and purpose of the non -diffusion nuclear weapon treaty, which leads to the spread of weapon -level nuclear materials to establish a correct orientation for restoring the performance of the performance.

Geng Shuang said that promoting the Board of International Atomic Energy Agency to pass the resolution that pressure on Ish will only intensify contradictions, damage mutual trust, and shadow the negotiations.All parties should start from the long -term and overall situation to avoid any moves that may upgrade the situation and destroy the negotiation process.It is hoped that the relevant parties, including the secretariat, accurately interpret the decision and documents of the Security Council, and carefully handle the problems such as the launch of Iraqi space and the so -called drone transfer to avoid affecting the overall situation of recovery performance.China encourages relevant parties to uphold the concept of common safety, build a multilateral dialogue platform in the Gulf area, and ease contradictions through dialogue, establish mutual trust, and build safety.

He said that China has always been committed to maintaining the effectiveness of the comprehensive agreement and the authority of the Security Council's resolutions, and promoting the process of political diplomacy solutions for the Iran nuclear issue.China will continue to adhere to an objective and fair position, and play a constructive role in promoting the return of the comprehensive agreement, promoting political diplomacy solutions to the Iran nuclear issue, maintaining the international nuclear non -diffusion system and peace and stability in the Middle East.