(Beijing / Shanghai / Tokyo Comprehensive News) The heating up of the epidemic has caused the transaction volume of Beijing and Shanghai shares to decline. The Beijing factory of a major Japanese chip manufacturer also suspended production due to crown disease infection.

Reuters reported on Monday (December 19) that the average trading volume of the RMB of the Bank of China in the market in the market fell to approximately $ 20 billion (S $ 27 billion) last week.The lowest level since the city.The stock transaction volume also declined. The total transaction volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was 139 billion shares per week, slightly lower than the average level of about 143 billion shares in the past three years.

A state -owned bank trader who is unwilling to disclose name tells Reuters that most foreign exchange traders in Beijing are not in the office, so the transaction volume will naturally decline.He said: "Remote transactions can not solve your problem of bed and bed, and you have to take care of your family."

The internal surveys of several large asset management companies and banks also show that the results of their tests in more than half of Beijing's employees are yang.A fund manager of the asset management company of the People's Insurance Group revealed that more than half of his colleagues in Beijing were sick, and colleagues in Shanghai were 5 % to 10 %.

The crown disease epidemic also affects the first public offering (IPO). The China Securities Regulatory Commission canceled the IPO review meeting last week last week. It is unclear whether the meeting will be restored this week.

As one of the world's most important automotive industry chip manufacturers, the Beijing chip factory of Ruisa Electronics Company, Japan, was closed due to crown disease infection last Friday. It is the first major foreign manufacturer to suspend the factory operation.The factory will restore production on Tuesday (December 20).

According to Reuters, Ruisa Electronics spokesman confirmed the temporary closure of the Beijing plant on Monday (December 19).The factory mainly produces semiconductor components used in industrial machines and home appliances.

But the spokesman said that the suspension of production in the past few days will not have much impact, and the company will use existing inventory to make up for the reduction of production.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Beijing Municipal Government announced on Monday (December 19) at a press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic.

The infected person starts from the day of the symptoms. It should be separated at home for seven days, and no longer fever for more than 24 hours without using antipyretic medicine, and other symptoms improve, they can be dismissed.Employees can return to their jobs directly after being separated without nucleic acid and antigen detection.