The number of infected people after relaxation of epidemic prevention measures has increased, and the phenomenon of difficulty in buying medicine in the capital Beijing has difficulty in buying medicines. The former editor -in -chief of the Global Times said that he speculated that Beijing had taken the peak of the infection after the seal and control.And it has entered the worst situation, but in areas where the epidemic situation in Beijing and the north is serious, there should be no more difficulties to be more superimposed.

Hu Xi entered Monday (December 12) On his personal Weibo, he posted that although the data and information are now chaotic, there are relatives and friends around many Beijingers, and the infection is very wide."We are already in the tension of seeking a doctor and the difficulty of buying related drugs. If this is the crowding of medical resources, this kind of crowding in Beijing has arrived."

But he also suggested that the public not listen to itThe saying on the Internet depends on the situation of the people around. If the example of living in ICU due to crown disease and death has not occurred in the expanding acquaintance circle and the large community where the living people live, it means that the probability of death of crown disease is extremely low.

Similarly, if there is no high fever but no antipyretic medicine, and cold medicine can be eaten in the circle of mature people, it means that "the medical extrusion does appear, but it is far from reaching the" humanitarianism that someone has worried about it.The degree of disaster '.

Hu Xijin wrote that as everyone's understanding of the weakened coronary virus has increased rapidly, the fear decreases, and the disorder of various extrusion properties will gradually alleviate, and recovery will inevitably occur.Beijing and other northern cities are now likely to have stood on the peak of epidemic spread, and the duration should not be long.

He believes that this peak is both Beijing and a strategic inflection point for the nation's release and control."Of course, this inflection point does not only refer to the level of epidemic dissemination (this level also takes a longer time in the country). It is also a social psychological level. It is the level of economic recovery and the comprehensive adaptability of society."He also speculated that the transformation and follow -up of the public's psychological and adaptability did not rule out faster than the epidemic.

Hu Xijin finally wrote that before China could not let go of the conflict of sealing and control, shortly after the Beijing epidemic spread, he had expressed implicitly that "the final showdown with the epidemic must only be in Beijing"Solution", now Beijing has become the most lively "earthquake" in this round of epidemic. If "Beijing can break through, the entire China is psychologically and politically."