The "New Ten Articles" of the Coronation Epidemic Prevention and Control of Crown Diseases.There are different degrees of "difficult to buy medicine", even common cold and fever drugs such as flowers, ibuprofen and other common colds and fever drugs.

(Beijing / Hong Kong Comprehensive News) With the prevention and control measures in China adjusting the epidemic, there are many drugs to snap up the wave of drugs, and the phenomenon of out stock in pain relief and fever drugs.Chinese officials call on the public to purchase medicines on demand and avoid excessive use of drugs.

According to the surging news report, Xu Hejian, a spokesman for the Beijing Municipal Government, said at a conference on Monday (December 12) that the rapid development of the epidemic caused Beijing's medical services and drug supply to face large pressure in the short termHe advocated that everyone purchased medicines and classified as needed, and did not follow blindly.

China's official "New Ten Articles" on the prevention and control of the crown disease epidemic on December 7. After gradually relaxing the regulations of the epidemic prevention, there are many "drugs". Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chongqing and other cities have appeared to varying degreesThe problem of "difficult to buy medicines" is unliked to clear flowers such as flowers and ibuprofen.

In response to the phenomenon of "difficult to buy medicines" in popular anti -epidemic drugs, the WeChat account "Shanghai Release", a subsidiary of the Shanghai Municipal Government, stated on Monday that Shanghai recently established the emergency protection mechanism of key drugs and epidemic prevention materials.Municipal key drug circulation enterprises, production enterprises and related industry associations, carry out daily monitoring, and make overall planning to produce, supplies, reserve, distribute, and sell for the production, supply, reserve, distribution, and sales of key drugs and epidemic prevention materials.

Due to the large demand, prices in many places have also increased.In response, market supervision departments in Guangdong, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Beijing and other places have recently issued warning that they will severely crack down on illegal acts such as hoarding and accumulating prices and prices.

Many official media also issued a post reminding the public to prevent epidemic prevention.The People's Daily's WeChat public account Sunday (December 11) published an article entitled "Scientific Epidemic Prevention! Don't Misacked by these rumors", clarifying a series of rumors recently popular on the Internet.

In response to the saying of "mixed with eating, adding medicines, and firing quickly", the article stated that increasing the dose without authorization will not be faster, but it will increase the risk of adverse drug reactions.Mixing will increase the risk of excessive drugs.

The Science and Technology Daily also quoted experts to remind that during the home of crown diseases, do not "be in a hurry to vote for medical treatment."At the same time, a certain food and drug interaction should be avoided.

The public purchase analgesic relieving fever drug Hong Kong pharmacy implementation limited purchase volume

Not only the mainland, but Hong Kong has recently appeared again that people have snapped up pain relief and fever, and the implementation of pharmacies to implement restrictions.Some residents purchased a large number of signs of analgesic antipyretics in Hong Kong and returned or returned to the mainland.

On the other hand, the number of people in Hong Kong's crown disease has recently reached a new high of nearly nine months, and the demand for such drugs has also increased a lot.

Sing Tao Daily quoted Zhang Derong, vice chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Nine Pharmacy of Hong Kong, said that except for the pharmacies in Yaujianwang District, the pharmacies in Hong Kong have generally occurred in pain, analgesia, and antipyretic drugs, or only a small amount of inventory. Special effects of special effects are the most out of stock.serious.

In this regard, Lu Chongmao, director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau, said that the official will ensure that the supply of drugs, especially the public medical system, will ensure that there is sufficient storage to cope with the demand.