> After relaxing the control of epidemic control in mainland China, large -scale infections have been reported in various places.However, such "group infection" seems to have no basis on the daily epidemic data released by China.NotThe government relaxed the epidemic prevention policy last Wednesday (December 7), canceled the mobile migrants across regions, and the public inspection of nucleic acid detection negative proofs of the public in various public places.NotAfter the demands are greatly reduced, the number of new infected people across the country has continued to decline since then.According to the official website of the China National Health Commission, Chinese daily infenders have fallen rapidly from 12,000 on the 7th.It is the lowest level since mid -November.NotThis is not the case.In the past few days, there have been news that Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, and other places have been reported to the news that the epidemic conditions have been severely.Not"Bake All Sheep", the company "Sanyang Kaitai" Span> Beijing is one of the hardest hit areas of this wave of local epidemic since November.Some people in Beijing lamented that there were more and more positive cases around them. WeChat circle of friends and Weibo could be seen everywhere on the Internet.NotThe Taiwan media has reprinted the Central News Agency reported that in the past week, many Beijing people have reported that their family has "baked whole sheep (referring to the whole family's positive response)", "hydrogen peroxide (two people infected)", or company colleagues"Three Sheep Kaitai", the office is even "almost becoming a sheepfang", and even some community neighborhood committees have half of the personnel infected.NotBeijing's delivery courier time was delayed significantly.Some people pointed out that the fruits that he purchased online from the southern provincial and district merchants was sent to Beijing for two days, and the industry reported that more than half of the delivery staff had crown disease and "could not deliver the goods."

Outside of a pharmacy in Beijing, many people line up in the cold winter to buy medicines on Saturday (11th).(Agence France -Presse)

As the virus spreads, the Chinese medical system will go through the most severe test since the outbreak of the epidemic.A medical staff who asked for anonymous revealed that a hospital in Beijing's center asked medical staff who asked for vacation to come back to work.Another medical staff also said that at least one hospital requested that the symptoms of mild medical staff continued to work.NotAccording to the newspaper, the popular Beijing attractions in the past are also particularly deserted in the past Sunday (11th). The shopping malls in Chaoyang District, which have the largest population in Beijing, are almost no one. Many beauty salons, restaurants and retailers have not opened the door.Beijing has a literary atmosphere Shichahai Bar Gathering Land Gate Ting Luoque.NotBelow, the number of infected numbers notified daily by the Beijing Municipal Government will not increase but decrease.The Beijing Health Committee announced on Monday (12th) that the city added 528 local confirmed cases and 609 asymptomatic infections.NotCitizens in Beijing said that they did not believe that the number of infected people in the city after the prevention of epidemic prevention did not increase but decrease, and they bluntly said that the actual number was more than ten.NotBlooming everywhere The number of infected dyes is less than a day, and even Hu Xijin, the editor -in -chief of the Chinese official media, who has always defended the Chinese epidemic prevention policy, can't stand it.NotLast Thursday (December 8), the essay was described that the Beijing epidemic had "blossomed everywhere" and judged that the number of new infections in Beijing has exceeded the peak of newly added this spring this spring.NotIt is said that the official data is contradictory with the information he observed, and all places are reporting to the local infection figures upwards in accordance with a calculation method that has been "separated from the real situation".He said: "This number is announced so, it is obviously unreal, and the relevant parties and communication channels do not correct it, or make a special explanation, it should not be."

Hu Xijin, former editor-in-chief editor of the Chinese official media, refers to China.The officially published data contradicts the information he observed, and all places are "separated from the real situation."(Internet)

As for how the official should solve this problem, Hu Xijin suggested to "break the problem" and let the number return to the real appearanceOr simply not to report.NotFrankly, no matter how big the number is now, the public will not be surprised.If you do n’t report it, you can understand that because many places do not measure acid, many people do not report their own home separation after diagnosis, so it is very difficult to achieve the real number of statistics.NotIf the official chooses to continue the number, you should take the initiative to make it clear to the society, and "the gap should not be so big."NotThis post has been deleted after.However, he posted another day the next day, saying that Beijing's newly added infected persons "will definitely break the 10,000", but there are very few death cases caused by the epidemic.NotIt is judged that most of the death cases will happen in the hospital. It is not difficult to carry out statistics, and "concealment may not be the risks of officials in various places."Moreover, Beijing information is very developed. If there is a case of death, even if the official does not report, it is easy to spread through the Internet, and the possibility of concealment is extremely low.NotThe key to resistance

After the outbreak data and the actual situation caused heated discussions, Beijing took the lead in adjusting.

Multiple communities also issued a notice last Friday (December 9), saying that residents' self -testing antigen test is positive or fever and other symptoms, and no need to report to the community.The Beijing Municipal Health and Health Commission will no longer announce the specific infection figures in various districts from Saturday (10th).Although these measures further simplify the release of information on the epidemic data and reduce the process of the people after the infection, it cannot reflect the real situation of the virus spread in the city.NotThe famous epidemist Zhong Nanshan said in an interview with Chinese official media that the Omikon virus strain was highly spread, and a infected person could spread to as many as 18 people.He said: "We can see that tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people have been infected in several major cities." However, Zhong Nanshan pointed out that Omikon's recent death rate has been reduced to about 0.1 %, "almost the same as influenza as influenza"; If most people are diagnosed, they will recover from seven to 10 days.NotAnnounce the daily crown disease data SPAN> In fact, with the decline of crown disease, many countries around the world have entered the next stage of the epidemic.Many countries have stopped publishing daily new crown disease data since late this year.NotThe Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) stopped the daily report to confirm the diagnosis and death case data from October this year, and changed to updated once a week.Earlier, CDC, like many national health officials, published related data every day for more than two years.The CDC said in a statement that the move was to increase flexibility and reduce the burden of reports from states and local governments.NotThe government also announced the same measures in September this year, because "the daily report is not as important as before."The Australian Federal Health Minister Biller said that the decision conforms to the health suggestion of experts, and officials will reflect the dynamics of the epidemic with other information and make people better understand the situation.NotThe United States and Australia, South Korea, France, New Zealand, Germany, Singapore and other countries have also made similar announcements in the past six months.NotThe Ministry of Health pointed out in early November this year that due to the more volatile daily crown disease cases, the official will use the seven -day mobile average case as an indicator of the case trend, and it will be changed to update in the crown disease report on the Ministry of Health website every week.Daily number of Japanese land cases.NotIt is believed that as the crown diseases are gradually becoming a general epidemic, at this stage, it is not meaningful to provide the latest crown data daily.

A popular ruling in Beijing appeared on the 9th of dozens of people to line up for consultation.(Agence France -Presse)

The key to epidemic prevention and epidemic.Self -testing antigen testing can not only improve the patient's understanding of his own condition, detect and isolate early infection, but also make the official view of the official.NotFeng Zijian, executive vice chairman and secretary general of the Prevention Medical Association, believes that improving self -testing antigen testing is the request to relax the alternatives of nucleic acid testing.He said that antigen detection can help establish a diagnosis, which is conducive to infected people, especially symptomatic infected people with better medical management.NotIt is currently facing the situation of drugs, thermometers, and testing kits, and out -of -stock stocks.Many people who have the symptoms of coronary disease cannot perform self -test, and can only determine whether they have been "recruited" by physical symptoms.NotAlthough the phenomenon has appeared in many countries that relax the epidemic prevention measures in the past two years, how to quickly solve the supply of key supplies for a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion in China will be the most severe challenge to the official.NotIt has been less than a week since December 7th, and it takes some time to enter the next stage of the epidemic.The public to re -adjust the thinking of strictly implementing the "clearing policy" in the past three years is not a matter of overnight.NotThe severe test is still behind.According to factors such as the characteristics of Omikon's strains and the current status of Chinese vaccine inoculation, the first wave of infections in Guangzhou may come from mid -to -late January to mid -February next year.NotIt seems that the road to reopening and moving towards "coexist with crown disease" has become a fact.No longer paying attention to new data on a single day, it is also a must.Only by adjusting the mentality, drawing on the experience of gradually unblocking in other countries in the past two years, preparing for the shortage of materials and manpower, and making life gradually move towards normalization.