Survey shows that Chinese consumer confidence fell to the low point in early 2020, highlighting the economic pressure faced by China when the dynamic zero -epidemic prevention measure was canceled.

Bloomberg reported that according to a survey by the US company Morning Consult, consumers' views on the current and future financial conditions last month were almost as pessimistic as the outbreak of the crown disease in early 2020.

Facing the continuous outbreak of the epidemic and the landslide of the real estate market, China's confidence index has been declining this year.With the surge in crown disease infection cases, in many places, the consumer confidence index in October declined again in November.

According to Morning Consult, the Chinese people's threats to coronal virus have also risen sharply this year.In November, the proportion of coronary virus as a major threat facing China rose from 51.7%in January to nearly 70%.

These data highlights that when the decision makers decide to start relaxing the dynamic and dynamic zero -epidemic prevention policy, the Chinese economy is facing tremendous pressure.

From the end of 2020 to 2021, the consumer confidence has been improving when the dynamic clearing policy successfully maintains the crown cases at a low level without strict restrictions.

But since this year, this policy has been underwrimed and stressful, and the more contagious Omikon variants have become more difficult to eliminate. Even more severe restrictions are taken.In this way, the tightening of prevention and control measures has been increasingly opposed by the people.

Morning Consult analyst Hui Le said that the significant decline in confidence this year shows that "epidemic prevention and control and the decline in the real estate market shake consumer confidence."

He added: "Ending the dynamic clearing policy will eventually promote economic growth, but in the short term, it will bring major risks to the Chinese and world economy."Ask about 1,000 Chinese adults to learn about their willingness to purchase large procurement, as well as their personal financial status and the overall economic conditions of China.The score higher than 100 means that the positive response is more, and less than 100 indicates that the negative response is more.