Chinese President Xi Jinping ended a three -day state visit in Saudi Arabia on Friday (December 9).The two countries of China and Sands issued a joint statement, indicating that it is necessary to strengthen cooperation in energy fields such as petroleum and renewable energy, emphasizing that this is the embodiment of important strategic partnership between China and Sands.

According to Xinhua News Agency, China Saudi countries issued a joint statement on Friday, saying that Xi Jinping Ying Ying Ying's invitation of the king of Saudi Arabia Salman will conduct state affairs of Saudi Arabia from December 7th to 9th, 2022, 2022, 2022access.During the visit, Xi Jinping met with Salman and Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Muhammad.Strategic partnership agreement.

Statement stated that the two sides were satisfied with the good development of bilateral relations in the past 30 years, and emphasized that under the framework of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, continued to work together in various fields to deepen the relationship, Make it into a new state of hope.The two sides reiterated that they would continue to support each other's core interests, support the other party to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and jointly defend the basic and international criteria of international law and international relations that do not interfere with the principles of domestic political principles.Sand reiterated to abide by the principle of "one China".China supports Saudi side to maintain national security and stability, emphasizes that it resolutely opposes any acts that interfere with Saudi Arabia's internal affairs, and oppose any attacks against Saudi civilians, civil facilities, territory and interests.

In terms of energy, the two parties emphasized that strengthening energy cooperation is the embodiment of the important strategic partnership between the two countries. It is mentioned that the scale and good cooperation of oil trade between the two countries and the promotion and consolidation of the cooperation between the two parties in the oil field are in line with China.Sand common interests.China welcomes Saudi Arabia's role in supporting the global oil market balance and stability, and Saudi Arabia is welcome to be the main reliable source of Chinese crude oil.The two parties have unanimously agreed to jointly explore investment opportunities in the field of petrochemicals, develop promising projects in the field of petroleum transit technology, and strengthen the source of renewable energy sources such as power, photovoltaic, wind energy and the development of related projects, innovative utilization, energy efficiency, energy products of hydrogen hydrocarbons, energy efficiency, and energy products.And cooperation in the fields and projects in related industrial chains and other fields, strengthen cooperation in the field of nuclear energy in peaceful use, and cooperation in modern technology development in artificial intelligence and energy industry innovation.

Statement stated that both parties believe that the joint cooperation of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative should be deepened. China welcomes relevant Saudi agencies to join the “Belt and Road” energy and investment partnership, strengthen Saudi Arabia as Chinese enterprises to produce and produce andThe core position of exported energy products to jointly invest in energy projects of regional countries as well as consumer countries in regional countries and European and African energy products.Saudi Arabia expressed expectations to absorb Chinese experience in Saudi Arabia's future large -scale projects, willing to promote Saudi Arabia's investment in China, eliminate investment obstacles, and emphasize the importance of attracting Chinese -funded multinational enterprises to open regional headquarters in Saudi Arabia.The permission of the regional headquarters should learn from China's advanced experience and capabilities to benefit the economies of the two countries.

In response to the Afghanistan issue, the two parties of Zhongsha emphasized that they should support all efforts to achieve the safety and stability of Afghanistan to ensure that Afghanistan does not become a shelter for terrorist gangs.The two sides emphasized that the international community should strengthen humanitarian efforts, prevent the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, and provide humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people.

Regarding Iran, the two sides agreed to strengthen joint cooperation to ensure the peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear plan.The two sides called on Iran to cooperate with international atomic agencies to maintain the nuclear non -diffusion system.The two sides emphasize respect for good -neighborly and friendly and non -interference in the principles of domestic politics; in the Iraqi issue, the two sides emphasized that they continue to provide support to the Republic of Iraq. Iraq is welcome to form a new government and wish their work smoothly to realize the expectations of the Iraqi people for security, stability and development.

Regarding the situation of Ukraine, the two parties emphasize that the differences should be resolved in peaceful ways, and everything may work hard to avoid upgrading, which will help restore security and stability and suppress the negative effects of crisis.China mentioned its six -point initiative about Ukraine's humanistic situation and provided humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, calling for preventing large -scale humanitarian crises.China praises Muhammad to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, to promote humanitarian and political efforts such as prisoners of war in multinational prisoners of war.Helps reduce the suffering of the Ukrainian people.