Australian Minister of Resources believes that in Western countries to end dependence on China's rare earth and key mineral resources as soon as possible, it is like "dreaming day". China has firmly held the global market in this regard.

According to Bloomberg, Australian Minister of Resource Minister Madeleine King said in an interview: "China has long foresee this and has made an article."

MaDelinkin said, but this will not block the determination to strengthen investment in these important mineral resources in Australia and the United States to break China's monopoly on the international supply chain.She added that Australia must "make full use of the gifts of nature in these resources to become a source of supply outside China."

Lithium and other key mineral resources such as lithium and cobalt, platinum and rare earth are used to produce various products that are vital to national security and respond to climate change, including jet engines, photovoltaic boards and electric vehicles.These resource reserves in Australia are at the forefront of the world and are one of the largest producers of important mineral resources in the world.

Most of the lithium ore and rare earth production capacity in Australia is located in Western Australia.Siriana Nair, Consul General in Perth, said Australia and the United States have "strong strategic benefits" in ensuring key mineral supply chains.

Although Naer did not specifically explain that China is the goal of strengthening cooperation in the United States and Australia, the US diplomat said that the source of key resources is single is "a major disadvantage and major defects."