The Foxconn Zhengzhou plant under Hon Hai Technology Group appeared in the Foxconn Plant. In order to stabilize employees, Foxconn Zhengzhou Factory will add a maximum of 5,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 965) to the employees.Full -time reward.

Comprehensive Finance Association and Science and Technology Board Daily reported that from November 1st to 30th, all employees' attendance subsidies of the normal attendance of Foxconn Zhengzhou Factory will double to 200 yuan per day, and at the same time terminate the originalFull -time reward policy.

The new policy of attendance subsidy will be calculated according to the cumulative number of days of attendance in that month. Those who attended 15 days or more than 20 days will receive 3,000 yuan subsidies; more than 20 days or more than 25 days will be obtained., Get 4,000 yuan subsidy; more than 25 days or more, you can receive 5,000 yuan subsidy.

The conditions for distribution are: attendance subsidies must meet those who have no leave, absenteeism, rest, rest, late leave and early leave for no more than 30 minutes, and the number of daily attendance is not less than eight hours.Quanqin rewards must be enjoyed on the basis of meeting the above -mentioned attendance conditions to achieve the corresponding number of days, and the monthly salary is issued and the job must be issued.

In addition, according to Bloomberg, people familiar with the matter reported that in order to maintain the production rhythm of the factory, Foxconn has increased the hourly salary of key positions by 36%to about 38 yuan per hour to ensure that the production capacity is not too large.Influence.

JP Morgan analysts believe that the fourth quarter is the peak season for iPhone shipments. The fleeing incident on the potential impact of iPhone production is worth paying attention to, because Zhengzhou is one of Hon Hai's main production base, especially in particular, especially in this, especially in Hon Hai.Part of the iPhone assembly.

Reuters quoted people familiar with the matter on Monday that the shipping volume of Apple mobile phones in the Foxconn plant in November may decrease by 30 % due to the epidemic.Foxconn is currently trying to increase the output of Shenzhen plant to make up for the lack of production in Zhengzhou plant.

Foxconn is the largest Apple mobile phone manufacturer, and the production of Apple mobile phones accounts for 70%of global shipments.

Recently, the inferior of the Foxconn Zhengzhou factory with more than 200,000 employees on the Internet has caused some workers to escape overnight, which has aroused the attention of online public opinion.Although Foxconn, Hon Hai, and Zhengzhou officials have not disclosed whether the confirmed cases of coronary diseases have been detected in the factory area, Foxconn officially issued a statement in recent days, saying that the factory has implemented closed -loop management, dot daily nucleic acid, and antigen screening., And provide three meals for employees for free, at the same time emphasize that the epidemic has been effectively controlled, and some production lines have been restored.

A number of Foxconn employees revealed to the Financial Association that according to the current requirements of epidemic prevention policies, employees returning to the country must be isolated for seven days in their hometown. If employees are willing to stay in the Hong Kong area, they will be separated from themselves.300 yuan of life subsidies, a total of 2100 yuan for seven days.After the expiration of the isolation period, the nucleic acid test results are negative. You can choose to return to the job. The company has formulated various incentive measures. It can also choose to return home.