(Hainan Comprehensive News) The last cabin section of China Space Station "Mengtian" experimental compartment on Monday (October 31) was launched at the Wenchang Aerospace launcher in Hainan, and the basics of the three -cabin T -shaped Chinese space stationThe configuration will also be announced.

Comprehensive CCTV News and Surging News reported, the Long March 5 Boyao 4 Launar Rockets that carried the "Dream Tian" experimental cabin took off at 3:37 pm on Monday at the Hainan Wenchang Satellite Launch Base.Successfully launch.

It is reported that the "Dream Sky" experimental cabin launched this time is mainly for micro -gravity scientific research. It is equipped with multi -disciplinary experimental cabinets such as fluid physics, material science, combustion science, basic physics, and aerospace technology test.Carry out the research on the essential laws of material laws such as multi -phase flow and phase -changing heat transfer, basic combustion process, and material solidification mechanism, as well as cutting -edge experimental research on cutting -edge experimental experiments such as ultra -cold atomic physics.

Before that, the "Ask Sky" experimental cabin that was lifted in July had been transferred on September 30.It is a two -cabin L configuration.After joining the "Mengtian" experimental cabin, the basic configuration of the three -cabin T -shaped of China Space Station is marked.

Report also mentioned that at present, the Chinese space station group in the track includes: "Tianhe" core compartment, "Ask the Tian" experimental cabin, Shenzhou 14 manned spacecraft, Tianzhou 4 freight ship, 23 23, 23After the "Dream Sky" experimental cabin was in place, the weight of the space station combination was reached into the record again, with a total mass of about 91 tons, which also became the largest spacecraft combination in China.

In addition, China is expected to launch Tianzhou 5 freight spacecraft and Shenzhou 15 manned spacecraft at the end of 2022 to achieve six astronauts working at the space station at the same time. The weight of the space station will reach 100 tons.