(Beijing News) The latest financial reports released by China's three major airlines showed that in the first three quarters of this year, the total loss of three airlines lost more than 70 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 13.5 billion).

China News Agency on Monday (October 31) reported that according to corporate financial reports, Air China realized operating income in the first three quarters of about 42089 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 26.75%, and the net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about 28.103 billion yuan.Yuan.

China China Eastern Airlines realized operating income of 35.85 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 31.72%, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about 28.116 billion yuan; Southern Airlines achieved a revenue of 70.161 billion yuan, a decrease of 10.62%year -on -year, belonging to listed companies, belonging to listed companies, and belonged to listed companies.The net profit loss of shareholders was about 17.587 billion yuan.

China China Eastern said that due to the impact of the crown disease, the demand for the passenger market decreased and the overall capacity decreased. At the same time, the price of aviation oil was high, and the cost of aviation oil increased significantly compared with the same period last year.As a result, corporate operating performance declined in the first three quarters.

Air China and Southern Airlines are basically similar.

However, many analysts are optimistic about the development prospects of the industry and the head of the header.

Su Baoliang, an analyst of China Merchants Securities, said that considering that in the fourth quarter is the off -season of the aviation industry, it is expected that in the third quarter, it is difficult to improve significantly.Or fast recovery.