Chinese communication equipment giant Huawei continued in the third quarter continuously in the third quarter consecutive quarter consecutive quarter consecutive quarters consecutive quarters consecutive quarter consecutive consecutive quartersIn the two quarters, revenue growth has shown signs that the company's business has begun to stabilize after years of punitive sanctions in the United States.

The Wall Street Journal reported that according to the unprepared financial data calculation released by this unlisted company on Thursday (October 27), revenue in the third quarter increased by 6.5%year -on -year to RMB 144.2 billion (About 28.2 billion yuan).

Huawei said that the core business of sales communication equipment has increased, and the downlink trend of terminal business has continued to slow down.The revenue of the company headquarters in Shenzhen has increased for the second quarter in a row. For more than a year, the situation of declining income decreased due to sharp decline in smartphone sales and limited sales of communication equipment to many countries has finally been curbed.

Huawei has been hit by the US export restrictions, including the United States banned the company from buying advanced process chips made by technology manufacturing in 2020.These restrictions and the creative Huawei's smartphone business.The scale of the business was once global and is also a major source of the company's growth.The export restrictions of the United States also weakened Huawei's communication equipment sales business. However, analysts say that the impact is not obvious, because there are fewer high -end chips required for such equipment and rely more on long -term commercial transactions.

It is reported that in order to offset the adverse effects of restrictions, Huawei has been developing a series of new business lines that are less dependent on chips.These include consumer electronics such as cloud computing services, autonomous driving components, smartphone software, and smart watches and tablets, but these new businesses have not made up for the impact of the sharp decline in smartphone sales.

Huawei also invests in China's rapid growth chip manufacturing industry through its investment subsidiary Hubble Technology Investment Co., Ltd.The industry faced new obstacles after the Bayeng government implemented comprehensive export control over high -end chips and chip manufacturing equipment earlier this month.

The United States has long regarded Huawei as a threat of national security for a long time, saying that the Chinese government may use Huawei's equipment for espionage.But the company denied this.Some countries with the same camp as the United States have banned Huawei from participating in the construction of 5G telecommunications networks in the country, curbing Huawei's international income, but the company continues to win a large contract in China, and according to Dell'oro Group's data, in general, Huawei, Huawei overall, HuaweiIt is still the world's largest communication equipment seller.

Huawei said that the revenue in the first three quarters of this year decreased by 2.2%year -on -year, mainly due to the decline in revenue in the first quarter of 13.9%.The company releases some unveiled financial data briefings every quarter.The company said that the main business profit margin that does not include the net income of asset sales is 6.1%.The company has sold some businesses, including the glory of its economic smartphone brands in order to cope with the limitation of the chip obtaining chips.