The Standing Committee of the Shanghai People's Congress passed the amendment to the smoking regulations (referred to as the Regulations) of the public places in public places in public places in public places in public places in public places in public places.

According to the surging news report, in the new version of the regulations, the clarification of smoking control means that effective measures are taken to prohibit smoking (including electronic cigarettes) stipulated in the regulations;Modified to "Tobacco Smoke and Electronic Smoke Release".

Electronic cigarettes are incorporated into the scope of smoking ban in public places, that is, smoking (including electronic cigarettes) in the outdoor area of indoor public places, indoor workplaces, public transportation and some public transportation in the city (including electronic cigarettes).This is another new move on the 12th anniversary of the implementation of the regulations.

According to the Office of the Shanghai Health Promotion Commission, since the advent of electronic cigarettes, it has quickly become popular in the world.Data show that the usage rate of electronic cigarettes in various countries shows year -on -year growth, especially the growth rate of electronic cigarette usage in young people is even more obvious.The harm of electronic cigarettes to health has received widespread attention from experts, scholars, public, and news media.The use of electronic cigarettes can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and lung disease.

The nicotine ingredients contained in electronic cigarettes are very addictive, and can cause long -term adverse consequences to the brain development of the fetus and children and adolescents, leading to learning impairment and anxiety.Electronic tobacco liquids can be detected in harmful substances such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, polygon aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic matter, and tobacco unique nitrosamines.Electronic cigarette releases (that is, second -hand gas solution) is a new source of air pollution. It can also detect harmful substances such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, metal, nicotine, polygon aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic matter, and has cytotoxicity.

In November 2021, China clarified that electronic cigarettes belonged to the "new type of tobacco products".According to relevant national regulations, in order to control the impact of the hygiene of e -cigarette release on public places, ensure public health, eliminate and reduce the harm of electronic cigarettes, Shanghai decided to incorporate electronic cigarettes into the scope of smoking for smoking in public places.

The control of smoking in public places in Shanghai will be implemented from March 1, 2010. It is the first tobacco control local regulations promulgated by the Provincial People's Congress in the mainland of the provincial people's congress in the Mainland China.After the revision of the regulations on March 1, 2017, it took effect to achieve full -time indoor smoking ban.