(Hong Kong News) A study by the Chinese Navy shows that thanks to the development of the Chinese electric vehicle industry, the large conventional submarine fleet driven by lead -acid batteries may soon be replaced by lithium ion batteries. Its survival and their survival andThe combat capability will be greatly improved.

According to the South China Morning Post, a research papers published by the Chinese Navy Submarine College on October 15 stated that lithium batteries can increase the potential underwater time by lithium batteries,And stable, it can also allow the submarine to place more weapons.

Conventional submarines are driven by diesel engines when sailing on water, but when the potential water is potential, the promotion system and other equipment of the submarine need to be motivated from the battery.Since World War II, Chinese submarines have been driven by lead -acid batteries, but the paper pointed out that lead -acid battery has low energy storage capacity, slow charging, weak power output, short life, and toxic gas leakage during operation.Therefore, the Chinese military has planned to replace lead -acid batteries with lithium technology in the conventional submarine fleet for more than 10 years.Theoretically, lithium capable power can be more than five times higher than lead, and the charging and discharge speed of lithium batteries is faster.

However, the Chinese Navy has always been concerned about the safety of lithium batteries in the safety of submarines, and is particularly worried that lithium batteries will fire or explode under high -intensity operation.However, the paper pointed out that in the continuous research and development and testing of lithium batteries in the field of electric vehicles in China, it is found that as long as the nickel and cobalt in lithium battery components are replaced by the more stable iron and phosphate, the battery can make the battery in a challenging situation.Work safely.

China has the world's largest conventional submarine fleet. It is estimated that there are 60 to 70 ships. It mainly implements patrol tasks in strategic waters such as the coastal areas, the Taiwan Strait, and the South China Sea.