Special governance has launched many places across the country to restrict the tattoo behavior of minors.NotSurging News reported on Saturday (October 29) that the Office of the Leading Group of the Protection of Minor Protection of the State Council of China has been introduced that in recent yearsSocial risk points.Minors' humanities can easily damage the physical and mental health of minors, affect the employment and life of minors, and cause minors to be eroded by bad culture.NotTattoo, also known as tattoos, pierced the skin with ink needles with a high -frequency needle, leaving patterns and colors.NotData show that the skin is a natural barrier of the human body, which will reject dye foreign objects, cause allergic reactions, and may cause skin wound infection.Some practitioners and tattoo divisions have not been specially trained, operating irregularly, and higher risk of skin infection. The immune system of minors is immature, which will be more susceptible to infringement.Civil servants with special requirements will have an impact.NotThe Anhui Provincial Market Supervision Bureau recently released news that in order to implement the special action plan for the special humanities governance of minors, strengthen the management of minors' humanities in the field of market supervision, and protect the physical and mental health of minors. From October to December this year,The Provincial Market Supervision Bureau deploys special actions for the governance of underage humanities in the province.NotAccording to the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, the special actions of minors' humanities governance in the market supervision field do a good job of four aspects: First, when the territorial market supervision department is registered for market entities, the market entities that include tattoo service activities in the business scope should be in the business scope.After its business license -related business scope, it is clearly marked "except for minors"; the second is to arrange the number of market entities that operate tattoo services, check whether the business license is "except for minors"; third, for failing to obtain business in accordance with the lawIf the license conducts tattoo services to minors, investigate and deal with in accordance with relevant regulations; the fourth is to increase the content of advertising supervision in the field of market supervision in the field of market supervision.NotThe Shanxi Provincial Department of Civil Affairs also released news on October 19th. In order to promote the healthy development of minors, Shanxi Province will launch a special actions for the governance of the minor humanities.NotDuring the operation, Shanxi Province will focus on investigating and manifesting whether medical and health institutions, related tattoo institutions and market operating entities, related industry associations and social organizations will carry out minors' humanities.Not, Women's Federation, Youth League Committee, Education, Judicial and other departments will guide and support and support minors' parents or other guardians to fulfill their duties of their family guardianship.Tattoo.NotHealth Commission, Market Supervision, Civil Affairs and other departments will urge supervision of medical and health institutions, relevant tattoo institutions and market operating entities, related industry associations and social organizations, and social organizations will not carry out tattoo services to minors, and will be willing to "remove tattoos" for minors.People provide standardized medical beauty services.NotPublic security, procuratorates, courts and other departments will investigate, prosecute, and trial cases involving minors' humanities and infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of minors, and adhere to the bottom line of judicial protection of minors.Propaganda, online information, and radio and television authorities will strengthen the promotion and supervision of minors' humanities and body hazards, and increase the review of related literary and artistic works and advertising content.NotAccording to Shandong Weifang News Network, Weifang Anqiu City launched a two -month minor humanistic body governance operation on October 22.NotAt the publicity site, medical experts explain the hazards of tattoos to the citizens: First, it is easy to be infected, and tattoos can cause skin bleeding, allergies, and granuloma by destroying the dermis layer of the skin; tattoo materials contain heavy metals such as lead, mercury, etc.Skin cancer; at the same time, there is a risk of infectious diseases such as HIV infection with unhealthy tattoos.The second is that it is difficult to recover. There is a risk of difficulty removal behind the tattoos, high laser removal cost and poor effect.The third is to affect employment and school. It has appeared in all parts of the country. Students have been persuaded to take a suspension and drop out of school because of tattoos. The tattoos will directly affect young people's choice of career choices.Fourth, psychological influence, tattoo will bring labeling effects, which will easily gather minors to gather with bad people and embark on the road of illegal crimes.In addition, tattoos have also affected the social interaction and circle of friends.NotThe Office of the Leading Group of the Protection of the State Council's Minor Protection Work issued on June 6 this year and issued a measure of minors' humanistic body governance work methods that the state, society, schools, and families should educate and help minors to establish and practice the core values of socialism, and fully understand the tattoo body.The hazards that may occur, the consciousness and ability of self -protection, and rejection of tattoos rationally.

In addition, according to the WeChat public account of Lingshan County Market Supervision Bureau on October 19, recently, Lingshan County Market Supervision Bureau Lingcheng Market Supervision Office investigated and dealt with a person who provided tattoos to the minors in accordance with the law.The illegal business case of service, this is the first "fine" issued by the bureau's special actions to carry out the special actions of minors' humanities.NotSince the beginning of this year, the bureau has investigated 286 business entities such as hairdressing, beauty, and tattoo shops. Among them, the business entity of providing tattoo services to a minor service to the minor service is ordered to make corrections.case.