The official data shows that foreign investors pay RMB valuation bondsSale in September has accelerated again, reflecting the continuous pessimistic emotions of China's economic prospects and the prospects of RMB.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the total amount of debt denominated by Chinese government bonds held in mainland China in September in mainland China fell to RMB 3.4 trillion (about S $ 660 billion).According to the data released by the Central Treasury Registration and Settlement Co., Ltd. and the Shanghai Clearance Office on Friday (October 28), this is the lowest level since December 2020.

The retracement last month was caused by the reduction of China's sovereign debt positions. China's sovereign debt appeared at a net outflow of 5 billion US dollars (the same below, about 7.08 billion yuan).Policy bank bonds, that is, securities issued by large state -owned loan institutions, have undergone a net outflow of $ 2.9 billion.

In September, for the first time in more than two years, the RMB fell to the $ 7 of the $ 7 of RMB 7, which was widely watched, and continued to depreciate against the US dollar in October.

Since the beginning of this year, in China, the offshore market that strictly controls the shore market and transactions has fallen by more than 12%of the RMB against the US dollar -USD/RMB recently touched RMB 7.32. ThisIt is a new low in history of the RMB exchange rate -this situation has weakened the international attraction of RMB valuation assets.