Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency disclosed the birth process of the new CPC Central Committee and the Central Disciplinary Inspection Commission, emphasizing that the standard for selecting people is "measured according to the Marxist politician standards."

Xinhua News Agency issued a report on Saturday (October 22) that during the inspection of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (two Committee)"Integrity", with higher standards and stricter requirements.

Reports show that as early as the end of 2020, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China began to plan for the new "two committees" personnel preparation work.In March 2021, the Communist Party of China decided to set up the leadership group of the 20 cadres who was coaches by Xi Jinping.For more than a year, Xi Jinping attended the meeting of the main person in charge of the party committee of the provincial and municipal districts, central and state organs three times, and gave instructions on the "two committees" selection standards.

The report quoted Xi Jinping's statement that the selection of people "the first is political standards."The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposes that the candidates for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to "measure in accordance with Marxist politicians' standards" to achieve political firmness and loyalty to the party.Essence

Xi Jinping also instructed that it is necessary to play the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the role of the CCP organization.

From the end of July 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent 45 inspection teams in three batches to inspect the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, central and state organs, and related central enterprises.The Central Military Commission also sent eight inspection teams to inspect the 25 military agencies and units of the military commission.

Xinhua News Agency said that the average conversation of more than 1,400 people in each group of the Central Provincial District and Municipal Investigation Team, and the inspection team of the central and state organs talked nearly 10,000 people.Investigating the leadership group for five meetings to listen to the situation reports, the Standing Committee of the Politburo specially arranged six meetings to hear the report.

Investigation also takes new measures in the integrity and closure. For example, when investigating personal matters, the regional scope of real estate inspection should be appropriately expanded, and the behavior of the business -oriented business of leading cadres, children and their spouses.

The inspection team solicited 1007 opinions on the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and reported 731 people to check the examination of personal matters."After strict control, more than 20 candidates were not listed as inspections and selection objects."

The report also disclosed that during the 20th period of the 20th period, each delegation pre -selected the "two committees" in a differential election method.Among them, the difference between the Central Committee and the members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection were 8.3 %, and the difference between the difference between the alternate members was 9.9 %.In contrast, the pre -selection difference ratio of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 10 years ago was 9.3 %.