For reporters asking the European party leaders on Friday (October 21) at the post -press conference of the EU summit, the CPC National Congress and China Policy, saying that China is strengthening tough and independent routes, establishing a leading position in East Asia in East AsiaAnd expanding global influence has made Sino -European relations tension. The EU must be highly vigilant to dependence on China and make strategic response. A spokesman for the Chinese EU EU responded that the European party leaders were full of ideas and China did not agree.

According to the official website of the Chinese envoy of the EU, the Chinese EU spokesman said that the Chinese government's 20th National Congress was successfully held.No one or any force can prevent the Chinese government from leading the Chinese people to achieve the grand blueprint for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

A spokesman said that the Chinese side is full of ideology for the European leaders' comments.One of the reasons for the current international situation is that some people insist on group politics, but only their own values are to impose their ideology to others.

The spokesman said that the world is diverse and civilization is diverse.China has always advocated dialogue, understanding and tolerance between civilization, and opposing ideological confrontation, which will lead to the opposition and confrontation of civilization, which must be highly vigilant.For your own problems, you should be more anti -provoking, and the solution of the helpless problems of others should be used.

The spokesman advised some people to read the 20 major reports, especially the Chinese foreign policy, that is, China firmly pursues independent and independent peace foreign policy, and adheres to the five principles of peace coexistence.With the development of friendly cooperation with various countries, firmly pursue a mutually beneficial and win -win open strategy, actively participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system, and promote the construction of a community of human destiny.

The spokesman said that today the world is facing multiple challenges such as military conflict, economic slowdown, and energy crisis, and it also requires countries to deal with it.China has always advocated that China -Europe is a partner rather than an opponent, and China -Europe cooperation is far greater than competition.Cooperation can win a win -win situation, and there is no way out.

The spokesman pointed out that the Chinese European party recognizes the current situation, comprehensively and correctly understands the 20th spirit of the Communist Party of China, objectively treats China -EU relations, and acts with China.Inject more stability and positive energy into the turbulent world.