After China's official officially introduced a number of policies to stimulate the property market at the end of September, Tianjin announced on Friday (October 14) that the interest rate of the first commercial personal housing loan was announced, from the current lowest 4.1%to the lowest 3.9.9%, And adjust the qualifications of the first house to identify, hoping to boost buying at a low interest rate.

According to Zhongxin Jingwei report, Tianjin Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, and Construction Bank have confirmed that Tianjin's first commercial personal housing loan interest rate"LPR-20 basis points" lowered to "LPR-40 basis points", that is, the interest rate of the first set of commercial loan loans to a minimum of 3.9%was implemented from Friday (14th).The interest rate of commercial personal housing loans in the second house has not changed, and it is still "LPR+60 basis points", which is 4.9%.

At the same time, Tianjin also adjusted the qualifications of the first house, and changed from "recognizing houses and recognizing loans" to "recognition of houses and not recognizing loans".According to a client manager of Bank of China: "There is no house in Tianjin, and the housing loan under the name has been settled, and you can be identified as the first house qualification to enjoy the low interest rate."

The Insurance Regulatory Commission announced on September 29 to adjust the differentiated housing credit policy in a phase, allowing the urban government where house prices continued to decline in the third quarter, independently decided to maintain, lower or cancel the lower limit of the local loan rate of the first set of new housing loans at the end of this year.The property market that has been rejuvenating for a long time.According to the 70 large and medium -sized cities published by the National Bureau of Statistics, Tianjin meets the standard standards.