(Beijing News) At the time of the downturn in the Chinese property market, multiple sources revealed that the Chinese government demanded that many large Chinese state -owned banks increase their support for real estate financing.In the same, S $ 2014 billion).

According to Caixin.com, the source of sources of various parties, sources revealed that many banks such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank, and Bank of China conveyed the notice from the regulatory authorities to branches at the end of September, requiring to increase their support for real estate financingEssenceThe specific indicators are at least 100 billion yuan per big bank.

The president of a second -level branch in the East of the Construction Bank said: "No written documents, the phone is verbally conveyed, and I heard that the indicator of the head office is to add 100 billion yuan to the head office (within the year)."Employees of a branch of a provincial branch in the North China said that it is estimated that the notifications received by the big banks are the same.The branch received a telephone notice from the head office in the last week before the National Day. The total indicator was to add at least 100 billion yuan of real estate -related financing from September.

Industrialist: It is difficult to complete the hard indicator but must be completed

People interviewed by the industry believe that in the current market environment, it is difficult to increase real estate financing.However, this requirement is that the hard indicators must be completed. Development loans will try to choose head housing companies to increase their investment. The mortgage loans can only be hoped that the recent densely introduced support policy can support residents' purchase of houses.

Affected by factors such as the continuous exposure of the real estate market risk and the downturnal demand for house purchase, the growth rate of real estate development loans and residential mortgage loans in China in the past two years has declined, and even shrinking in scale.