As the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to be held on October 16, the political pressure of "insurance diplomatic relations" facing the Chinese local government has increased.Zhengzhou City issued documents on September 7, which clearly required "large dry for 30 days" to ensure that the stoppage real estate was resumed by October 6.

(Zhengzhou News) In order to promote the resumption of bad tail buildings in Henan Province, the first batch of special borrowings was 5 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1.01 billion) to Zhengzhou.

As the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to be held on October 16, the political pressure of "insurance and diplomatic relations" facing the local government of Chinese governments has increased.Zhengzhou City issued documents on September 7, which clearly required "large dry for 30 days" to ensure that the stoppage real estate was resumed by October 6.

According to China News Network, Wang Yidao, deputy director of the Housing and Urban -Rural Development Department of Henan Province, China, introduced at the press conference on Saturday (September 17) that in order to promote the resumption of work in the project, the first batch of 5 billion yuan of special loans has been 5 billion yuan.Display Zhengzhou.

Wang Yidao said that since the second half of last year, due to multiple factors such as the changes in the macroeconomic situation, the cyclical adjustment of the industry, the structural contradictions, and the impact of the epidemic, the real estate market has occurred in stages.

Talking about the support of the Henan Provincial Government's support for the real estate market, Wang Yidao introduced that Henan adjusts the regulations for purchase restrictions and restricts, and implements differentiated housing credit policies to achieve the double decrease of the first home loan interest rate and down payment ratio to reduce the cost of personal housing consumption.A total of 189 million yuan and 115 million yuan were issued to issue house purchase subsidies, and more than 10,000 employees affected by the epidemic were delayed to repay the loan, involving a loan balance of 2.22 billion yuan, and encouraged the purchase of existing commercial housing for guarantee rental housing and talents.apartment.

Wang Yidao: 694 Stalling work and bad tail project has been resumed

He introduced that since this year, Henan has promoted the construction of 694 shutdown projects, and achieved the completion and delivery of 50 stop -tail projects. The supporting facilities of 200 projects have been improved. 447,000 houses have registered the first registration of real estate.

Henan Provincial Government and Zhengzhou City set up a real estate bailout fund of 10 billion yuan, respectively, fight for special borrowings of national policy banks, and support the construction of residential project construction for overdue difficulties. The first batch of special borrowings 5 billion yuan has been.Display Zhengzhou.

Wang Yidao said that Henan Province also had multiple channels to dispose assets and equity, raised funds, slim self -rescue, and severely cracked down on the suspected illegal crimes of escape funds. 69 criminal cases involving problems involving problems have been investigated.

In July of this year, the "stop work and suspension of loan" swept China. Due to the broken capital chain of real estate developers, real estate projects have stopped working, causing buyers to fall into the desperate situation of "rotten tail building".They unilaterally stopped paying the mortgage house to the bank until the project was resumed.

The Think Tank Center of the Yiju Research Institute has issued a report statistics. As of July 16, there were at least 271 notices in China, of which 54 were from Henan, accounting for about 20%of the total.Occupied 32 real estate.