(Beijing News) The Chinese chip industry's anti -corruption storm continued, and the chip leader company SMIC International on Friday (September 16) issued an announcement late at night. The company's non -executive director Ren Kai was suspected of serious disciplinary violations.Disciplinary review of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the National Development Bank and the Supervision and Investigation of the Beijing Municipal Supervision Commission.

According to the Securities Times, Ren Kai also served as the company's other integrated circuit manufacturers Changdian Technology and Sanan Optoelectronics, and then issued similar announcements.

All three companies emphasized that Ren Kai did not hold any other positions in the company except as a director of the company and did not participate in the company's daily management.He is investigated and will not affect the company's production and operation and financial status.

50 -year -old Ren Kai is also the vice president of China National Development Bank Management Enterprise and Vice President of Huaxin Investment Management Co., Ltd. (deputy level).Public information shows that Huaxin Investment is invested by 45 % of the Capital Financial Co., Ltd., a wholly -owned subsidiary of the National Development Bank of China, and is the only manager of the China National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund ("Big Fund") and the "Big Fund"One of the "second phase" managers is responsible for the investment operation of the fund.

The purpose of the

The Great Fund's original establishment is to promote the development of China's integrated circuit industry, and it is called a veritable "national team".However, since November last year, many executives have been investigated with the management and investment companies, including Gao Songtao, former vice president of Huaxin Investment, Du Yang, former director, Yang Zhengfan, deputy general manager of the investment, and two investment.Liu Yang, former general manager of the Ministry, Ding Wenwu, general manager of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd., and Lu Jun, former deputy director of the State Development Bank National Development Fund Management Department.