Lhasa, the capital of Tibetan China, implemented severe crown disease prevention measures for more than a month. Recently, it has been reported that the people's food shortage and diagnosis of young children are difficult to seek medical treatment. Local netizens described the situation "chaos", which is comparable to 4SHY this year.The worst time.The Lhasa government acknowledged that shortcomings and weaknesses were exposed during the prevention and control of the epidemic on Saturday (September 17), and apologized to the society.

This is also in September this year since the control of Yili Prefecture in Xinjiang for more than a month, there will be a chaos in western cities.Scholars of interviewees pointed out that this round of epidemic exposes the significant shortcomings in the management level of the government region. It is obvious that it has not learned lessons from similar issues that have occurred in other provinces and cities in the past two and a half years.Relaxation of epidemic prevention when coexistence with crown disease has brought challenges.

After the first local crown disease case appeared on August 8th, the official immediately introduced severe epidemic prevention measures. Citizens were either home blocked or was sent to the isolation point.Last week, the local people broke the news online, saying that Lhasa faced a large -scale infection and food shortage, but many related posts have been deleted.

Some netizens posted photos, showing that some isolation points are inferior and overwhelmed; some stickers also show that large buses will send a large number of people to these facilities.

The Lhasa people Wang Summ (transliteration) revealed that he was blocked by his home for 36 days, describing the local situation "chaos".He said that the baby in the full moon was diagnosed with a fever, but he could not call the ambulance. The neighbor couples were out of control in the WeChat group in the community to find volunteers to send the baby to the hospital.

There are no large e -commerce operating foods that only depend on the CCP cadres to send

Wang Sam also said that since Lhasa does not have large e -commerce operators, the distribution of community food depends on the distribution of CCP cadres, but many cadres and volunteers are also diagnosed.He said that the last time he bought food was half a month ago. At present, there are only a few potatoes and onions left, and rice can only be maintained for several days. "It is very difficult to get food, and many people have no food.) The situation is the same. "

A large number of people in Yili issued a post on the Internet in early September to expose the local government of seeking medical treatment due to rigid epidemic prevention measures, and forcing the local government to publicly apologize publicly on the 9th of the same month.

Faced with the pressure of public opinion, the executive deputy mayor of Lhasa accounted for a press conference on Saturday night, and publicly acknowledged shortcomings and weaknesses with insufficient preparation, insufficient ability, insufficient response, and poor execution during the prevention and control of the epidemic.Occupy to apologize to the society, promise to face the problem, improve insufficient improvement, and strive to restore the normal production and living order as soon as possible.

Scholars: exposed lessons from ethnic minority areas to learn lessons from two and a half years of resistance

Sui Xingguo, the executive deputy head of the Lhasa City Guan District, also criticized the staff of the isolated point at the meeting to solve the people's demands, simple methods, and harmed the feelings of the public; some people in the mid -to -high risk zone were provided in time.He promised to strengthen the supervision and management of staff, improve the work style, make every effort to provide supplies and distribution of materials, and improve the time limit for meal delivery.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that in the past few years, the local government not only psychologically despised epidemic prevention, the management level and learning ability were not strong. "Shanghai Fengcheng) Lessons in this regard are not prepared early and make early prevention. "

Tang Renwu said that as the World Health Organization announced last week that the crown disease was ended, China may also relax the epidemic prevention in time in the future.However, there is still a lack of more accurate resistance to ethnic minorities and economic backward areas, which may have challenged China's future to coexist with long -term coexistence with crown diseases for a long time, and better balance the demand for prevention and control of epidemic conditions and economic development.

A 1036 crown disease local cases were added on Saturday, of which 712 were from Guizhou.The epidemic in Tibet and Sichuan in the severe disaster area has slowed down; Tibet found 66 local cases on Friday, which is the first time since the outbreak of the epidemic.

Chengdu official Sichuan official Sunday announced that the city resumed the order of production and life from 00:00 on Monday; public transportation was fully resumed, and the city's primary and secondary schools and kindergartens returned to school to study, which means that the Southwest Economic Hub with a population of 21 million people is fully solved.seal up.