Queen Queen's death

As Sino -British relations continue to be tension, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Chinese official representatives and vice president Wang Qishan will go to London, UK to attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

Whether Chinese officials have attended the Queen's funeral in person, have attracted the attention of the outside world; the scholars of the interviewed analyzed that the official level sent by China in accordance with diplomatic practice is to highlight China's respect for mutual respect for each other.

Queen Britain's national funeral will be held on Monday (September 19), and this national funeral ceremony will be one of the largest national ceremonies in Britain since World War II.According to reports, nearly 100 presidents and government leaders and 20 members of the foreign country will attend in London to determine that the attendees include US President Biden.

According to the invitation letter of the British Queen funeral drafted last week last week, Chinese officials were also invited. At that time, analysts predicting that China would send representatives of Wang Qishan to attend.The Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency confirmed on the 17th that the outside world predicted, and the report quoted Mao Ning, a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that at the invitation of the British government, Wang Qishan will attend the British funeral in London on September 19.

Since the beginning of this week, the Chinese government delegation has caused controversy in the British politics.American Political News Website Politico and Broadcasting Corporation have quoted people familiar with the matter on the 15th and on the 15th.The Westminster Palace's Westminster Hall to admire the Queen Queen Ling's request.

Westminster Palace, also known as Parliament Building, is the place where the British parliament includes the House of House and the House of Commons.

China imposed sanctions on them in March 2021 on the grounds that seven British members scattered the "false news" of Xinjiang's human rights situation.

All the heads of state who went to London to attend the funeral of the British Queen were invited to pay attention to the Queen Ling Ling before the funeral, and went to Lamaster Mansion on the hanging book.This means that Wang Qishan will attend the funeral of the Queen Queen during the Church of Westminster during London, but it may not be unable to go to the nearby Westminster Hall.

China: As a master, the British should adhere to the diplomatic etiquette and the way of hospitality

Mao Ning responded to the relevant questions at a regular press conference on the 16th that the British Queen ’s burial was an important activity of the United Kingdom. Foreign delegations were invited to attend the event at the invitation of the British side, which was the respect for the late queen and the emphasis on Britain."As the owner, the British should adhere to the diplomatic etiquette and the way of hospitality."

Sino -British relations have rapidly cooled down due to issues such as Hong Kong and Xinjiang in the past year. British Prime Minister Tellas, who took office in September this year, has always been one of the strongest people in the British politics to China. Analysts predict that China is expected that ChinaBritish relations may decline further while taking office.

Some analysts believe that China still sent senior leaders to attend the funeral of the British Queen in the context of the tension between Sino -British relations, showing that China wants to alleviate relations between the two countries.It is worthy of attention.

The director of the EU Research Center of Renmin University of China and Wang Yili, a lecturer at the EU "Moane", was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao.Qishan attended showing that China attaches great importance to Sino -British relations.

After the death of former South African President Mandela in 2013, China also sent the former official representative of China and Vice President Li Yuanchao to South Africa to attend the funeral.

Cui Hongjian, director of the European Institute of China International Institute of International Issues, interpreted, and aside the current situation of Sino -British relations. The folk relations between the two countries have been longer. This is the main reason for Chinese representatives to send high -level representatives to attend the funeral.The emphasis on mutual respect.