(Shijiazhuang News) Aquatic water permeability accident occurred in Tangshan, Tangshan, Hebei, causing 14 people to die and one person lost contact.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the Tangshan Municipal Government of Hebei Province reported on Saturday (September 17) that a water transparent accident occurred on September 2 on September 2, Taipingzhai Town, Xipingzhai Town, Xiping County.At that time, Qianxi County reported that two operators were trapped under the well.However, as of the end of the emergency rescue on the 16th, search and rescue and public security organs investigated and obtained evidence that the accident caused a total of 14 people to die and one person lost contact.

The Hebei Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have set up an accident handling working group to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the accident and deal with problems such as lies.Iron ore permeable is an accident caused by digging through the coal mines in the underground tunnel of the iron ore.

Data show that Qianxi County Taipingzhai Town Tao Shuyu Iron Mine Corporation is an Qianxi County Taoshuyu Iron Mine Co., Ltd., which was established on November 17, 2010. It is registered in Yipingzhai Town, Qianxi County.Village Tao Shuyu.