(Shanghai / Hong Kong Comprehensive News) A nucleic acid drug industry forum in China has been criticized as "low -level red" and "high -grade black" due to the "nucleic acid prosperity" word due to the theme, and the forum has also been canceled.

According to the WeChat public account "Biological Patlion" on Saturday (September 17), a notice from the Organizing Committee of the "Nucleic acid Pharmaceutical Industry Summit Forum" was published. It was originally scheduled to be canceled in the forum held in Hangzhou in November.The public account was called "Baiao Valley Research Institute" before.Network information shows that Baiao Valley is the organizer of this forum.The theme of the forum is "Nuclear Academy will be in the future of the future."

The Beijing News criticized the "Nuclear acid Shengshi" saying that the general public contains many emotions about the term "prosperous world", with both national conditions and expectations for social stability and prosperity of the country.

It is said that Hong Kong 3+4 inbound measures will be changed to seven -day autonomous epidemic prevention

From the perspective of semantics or emotional expression, there are more "nucleic acids", and it is not appropriate to tease or even hurt the public emotions.The so -called "nuclear acid prosperity" is just a farce of "low -level red" and "advanced black".The "high -profile" statement of pharmaceutical companies is destined to be clumsy.At present, this comment article can no longer be searched in the Chinese media.

According to the Hong Kong Oriental Daily, Hong Kong will cancel the inbound quarantine arrangement of "3+4" (three -day hotel quarantine+four -day autonomous epidemic prevention) in the short term and become "0+7" (seven -day autonomous epidemic prevention), newMeasures may be announced within this week.It is reported that people in the political circle revealed that the Hong Kong government originally discussed the relaxation of entry isolation measures before November, but the competitive rival in the Asia -Pacific region was very fast. It is estimated that the Hong Kong government wanted to relax the current "3+4" regulations, but the implementation schedule has not yet yet been yet not yet yet yet -have.It is still to be discussed whether it can be implemented before the long holiday of mainland China on October 1.