Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

On September 16, the 22nd meeting (Shanghe Summit), the head of the head of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Organization, ended in Samarhan, Samarham, Uzbekistan. The leaders of the participating countries issued the Samalham declaration.


Declaration emphasizes that it is important to oppose international and regional issues through grouping, ideology, and confrontation thinking; jointly promoting the construction of new international relations with mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win -win cooperation is of great practical significance.

Many of the declarations have obvious Chinese characteristics, and they are also common vocabulary and concepts of Chinese diplomacy, showing that China ’s“ leader ”in the SCO Organization.Coupled with another "leader" in the SCO Russia, Russia is currently trapped in the quagmire of the Russian and Ukraine War. China's leading role in the SCO is even more prominent.

An important result of this summit is the expansion of the SCO organization.The United States' largest opponent in the Middle East joined the SCO, and Russia's important allies Beros launched a procedure to become a member of the SCO.At the same time, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, important countries in the Middle East, signed a memorandum of becoming a dialogue partner of the SCO. The summit also approved the status of dialogue partners in Barin, Maldives, Kuwait, UAE and Myanmar.

The expansion of the

SCO Organization shows that this international organization established by China, Russia and other countries in 2001 still has a strong attraction.Although the SCO has repeatedly emphasized that it is not for alliances or confrontation, and does not target third -party principles, some Western observers are still worried, and the SCO may become the "NATO of the East".

For China, under the "big change" of the Western camp in the United States, the SCO Summit will undoubtedly give China more countermeasures.

Therefore, after the Chinese official changes the crown disease epidemic, after the "screen -to -screen" mode of communicating with leaders of various countries, it has personally participated in the Shanghe Summit, and made a state visit to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan by the way.During the summit, Chinese officials met with Russian President Putin, Turkish President Erdogan, and Iranian President Laish and other leaders.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held a better international atmosphere.

China's official meeting with Putin is the focus of attention from the international community. Both parties emphasized that they should continue to deepen the comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership between the two countries.However, China still insists on maintaining a neutrality and persuasion in Russia and Ukraine's conflict, and Putin can only understand this.He said in the meeting that he understood China's "questions and concerns" about the situation in Ukraine and praised China's balance.

U.S. State Council spokesman Prince, on the one hand, has closely concerned about Sino -Russian relations, and also pointed out that China has not provided military assistance or systematically help Russia to avoid sanctions, implying that the United States has no reason to find it because of China -Russia relations.China's trouble.

While stabilizing Sino -Russian relations, China's official visits have deepened the cooperation between China and Central Asia.This is of great significance to promoting the impact of China in Central Asia, promoting the "Belt and Road" initiative, driving the development of western regions, and stabilizing the situation in the Northwest Band.

Among them, China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed a cooperation agreement to build a multinational railway before the summit.The total length of the Zhongjiwu Railway is about 500 kilometers. After completion, it will be the shortest freight route from China to the Middle East and Europe. The freight distance will be shortened by 900 kilometers. The time saves seven to eight days, becoming an important branch of the Eurasian mainland bridge created by China.

The concept of the Zhongjiwu Railway has been proposed for more than 20 years, but it has not been implemented, the main reason is that Russia opposes it.Russia has always regarded Central Asian countries as its own sphere of influence, and is unwilling to see other great powers in the area.At the same time, the current route of the China -Europe trains is mainly through Russia to enter Europe. Russia can obtain economic benefits from the China -Europe trains. Once the China -Jiyu Railway is opened, it will bypass Russia via Iran to Turkey and finally enter Europe from Turkey.Russia certainly did not want to see this situation.

But after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Russia has undergone comprehensive sanctions from the West, and has fallen into the dilemma of "warfare" on the battlefield of Russia and Ukraine.Non -diminished.This time, the SCO, Russia has changed its position for many years, and no longer raises objections to the China -Jiwu Railway project, and has not opposed other actions to China and Central Asian countries to expand and deepen cooperation.

However, China is not a Kaige at the Supreme Summit.The Samalham Declaration point out that the "Belt and Road" initiative proposed by six countries such as Kazakhstan and Russia supported China only lacked India.During the summit, Chinese officials did not meet with Indian Prime Minister Modi, and the Chinese media did not report to the two leaders any interaction.

This shows that although the China -India army reached an agreement to withdraw troops in some border before the summit, China -India relations have not substantially improved.In addition to border disputes, India also insists on opposing the "Belt and Road" initiative.

India believes that China is going to expand its influence through the “Belt and Road”. The China -Pakistan Economic Corridor in the “Belt and Road” passes through the Kashmir region and Kashmir belongs to India.India has joined the United States, Japan, Australia and India "Quad" (Quad), to a large extent to fight against the "Belt and Road".

China -India's leaders did not meet or even interact at the SCO Summit, showing that the contradiction between the two countries is still deep, and the relationship between the two countries is difficult to improve in the short term.