Image source, BBC/HOSU Lee

Ri Il Kyu, a former Korean diplomat who ran to South Korea, believes that Pyongyang hopes to be elected President of the United States.Because if he re -enter the White House, it will be the "rare opportunity" in North Korea (North Korea).

This diplomat who has a unique position and understands Pyongyang was once the Counselor of the North Korean Embassy in Cuban.It took his wife and children to South Korea in November last year, becoming the highest -level diplomat who fled to South Korea since 2016. It has recently accepted an interview with BBC.

Li Rikui, 52, met with Kim Jong -un seven times.When he fled from Cuba to Seoul last year, Li Rikui was interviewed.At that time, he admitted that when he first saw Kim Jong -un in Pyongyang, he "trembled, nervous."

But every time he met, he always issued cash and was always "smiling, a happy mood".

"He often praises others and laughs, looks like an ordinary person!" Li Rui.

However, Li Rui also emphasized that he did not doubt that Kim Jong -un would ensure his survival at all costs, even if it wanted him to kill the people: "He could have become a good person and a good father.Myth made him a monster "

In his first interview with international radio media, Li Rikou rarely shared his observations to help people understand the goals that the most mysterious and most authoritative countries in the world want to achieve.Li Rui emphasized that although the talks between Kim Jong -un and Trump in 2019, North Korea still regards the former US president who can negotiate with Pyongyang for nuclear weapons plans.

In the past, Trump praised the relationship with Kim Jong -un as an important achievement during his term, and he also made a well -known land saying that they "love each other" and wrote to each other.At a rally last month, Trump told his supporters that Kim Jong -un "missed" him and hoped that he would re -enter the White House.

According to this, Li Rui said that Pyongyang hopes to use this intimate personal relationship to seek benefits, although this contradicts a official statement issued by Pyongyang last month.The statement stated that North Korea "I don't care who is elected as the president of the United States."

He also specifically mentioned that the country holding a nuclear country will never give up nuclear weapons, and may seek an agreement to freeze its nuclear plan as a condition for the United States to terminate sanctions.However, he added that Pyongyang would not negotiate sincerely, and Pyongyang agreed to freeze its nuclear plan "a trick, 100 % deception", and negotiating with Pyongyang in nuclear weapons is a "dangerous approach"."" ".

Source, handout

"Life and Death Injects"

After 8 months of defect, Li Rikui now lives with his family in South Korea.Accompanied by the Korean police bodyguard and two intelligence personnel, he explained the reason why he decided to abandon Pyongyang.

He said that in North Korea for many years, he has to face corruption, bribery and lack of freedom.The final fuse is that his cervical spine should be surgery, but he was rejected after the application."I enjoys a 1%life of the top -level class in North Korea, but it is still worse than the life of the Korean middle -class families."

As a North Korean diplomat in Cuba, Li Rikui said that he only earned $ 500 per month, so he illegally sold Cuban cigars in China to maintain family planning.When he first told his wife's thoughts that he wanted to escape, his wife was scared to have a problem and entered the hospital.He only told his wife and children 6 hours before the plane took off.He described this as a "life and death bet".

In North Korea, the captured north will be released after several months of interrogation.But there are only two endings for elites like him: they are held in political criminal concentration camps or guns."Worries and fear make people unbearable. I can accept my death, but I can't bear the idea of ​​being dragged into the labor camp!" He said.

Li Rikui said that although he never believed in God, he started praying when he was anxiously waiting at the door of the airport.

Since 2016, Pyongyang's most famous high-level rebels are Tae Yong-HO. He used to be the deputy ambassador of North Korea in the UK.New chairman.

When talking about a more close relationship with Russia in North Korea, Li Rui believes that the Ukrainian war is a luck for Pyongyang.The United States and Seoul estimated that Pyongyang has sold millions of ammunition to Moscow to support its invasion.As a exchange, North Korea has obtained food, fuel, and may even have military technology.He emphasized that the main benefit of this transaction for Pyongyang is that it can continue to develop its nuclear weapons.He also explained that Russia created a "loop" through this transaction to enable Kim Jong -un to "freely develop its nuclear weapons and missiles, strengthen its military defense while requesting sanctions from the United States."

But he said that in fact, Kim Jong -un understands that his relationship with Moscow is temporary.After the Ukrainian war, Russia is likely to cut off this relationship.As a result, Kim Jong -un did not give up plans for normalization with the United States.

"North Korea understands the only way for its survival, that is, to eliminate the threat of invasion and the only way to develop the economy is the normalization of relations with the United States."

Although Russia may assist North Korea to temporarily ease economic pain.However, Li Rui said that during the new crowns, the border was completely closed. "It has severely damaged the country's economic and people's lives." When the border was reopened in 2023 and the North Korean diplomat was ready to return to China, Mr. Li said that the family asked them to "bring it back to bring it back.Anything you have, even your old toothbrush!

Kim Jong -un asked his citizens to be absolutely loyal, even if a trace of opposition, it could lead to imprisonment.

But he emphasized that many years of painful life has eroded the loyalty of the Korean people.Because now no one is expected to get anything from the highest leader Kim Jong -un: "The loyalty to the regime or Kim Jong -un is no longer true. That is forced loyalty, because if it is not loyal, it is facing death." "The Evil Behavior"

North Korea's recent changes are mainly due to a large number of Korean movies, TV series and music that entered North Korea.This is illegal in North Korea.Based on this, Li Rikui said, "Korean people watch Korean cultural content not because of capitalist beliefs, but just trying to pass the time in a monotonous and dark life. But then people will ask:" Why do southern people live in the life of the first world country.And we live in poverty? "

However, Mr. Li said that South Korean cultural products are changing North Korea, but due to the existing control system, these products cannot cause the North Korean regime to collapse."Kim Jong -un is very clear that the loyalty of the people is declining, and people are changing. This is why he strengthens the intensity of terrorist rule."

Pyongyang has promulgated more severe laws to punish those who consume and disseminate Korean cultural products.The British media interviewed a northern person last year. He said that someone was seen to be executed for sharing Korean music and TV shows.Li Rikui said that North Korea gave up the final policy with South Korea for decades at the end of last year, which is a attempt to further isolate the North Korean people from South Korea.

Li Rikui described this as Kim Jong -un's "the most evil behavior." Because all North Koreans dream of reunification.He also explained that although the past North Korean leaders "stolen people's freedom, money, and human rights," Kim Jong -un snatched the few things left: hope.

Outside North Korea, people pay close attention to Kim Jong -un's health.Some people think that he may die prematurely, and this may lead to the collapse of the North Korean regime.

Last week, South Korean intelligence agencies estimated that Kim Jong -un's weight was 140 kg and faced the risk of cardiovascular disease.However, Li Rui believes that the system of North Korea's surveillance and control has been established firmly, so that even Kim Jong -un will not endanger this autocracy even if he dies: "There will be another evil leader replaced him."

Some people have speculated that Kim Jong -un was cultivating his young daughter (allegedly named Jin Zhuai) as his heir, but Mr. Li refuted this statement.He said that the Jin family used to prove that its ruling legitimacy came from "sacred Baitou Mountain blood", and it was considered to be inherited only through men in the family.Therefore, Jinzhu Ai lacks the legitimacy and popularity of North Korean leaders.He also said that at first people were very interested in Jinzhu's love, but it was no longer that.The people questioned why she participated in missile tests instead of going to school, and why she worn luxury brand clothing instead of wearing school uniforms like other children.

Li Rui believes that the international community should not wait for Kim Jong -un's illness or death, but to unite.Including North Korea's allies China and Russia, "Continuous persuasion Pyongyang changes."

He added that this is the only way to end North Korea.

In the end, he said that he hoped that his defect would inspire his companions, not to get rid of them, but to promote small changes from the inside.He said he didn't have much expectations, such as North Koreans can vote or travel freely.He just hopes that the people can choose their own work, have enough food to eat and express their remarks freely among friends.

However, Li Rikui's priority is to help his family adapt to a new life in South Korea and integrate children into society.

At the end of the interview, he proposed to me a hypothetical situation and said: "If I provide you with a chance, if we succeed, we will make a lot of money but fail. You will not agree to join this plan?Is my choice to impose on my wife and children, and they silently agree and follow me. "

"This is a debt I must repay for life."

Jake Kwon and Hosu Lee participated in the report.