Mr. Li Zhengdao Visual China Data Map

The surging news reporter learned from the representative of Mr. Li Zhengdao, the deputy director of the academic committee of the China Higher Science and Technology Center, and the researcher Wang Yilin, and other professors and friends of Li Zhengdao, who was well known that the famous physicist and Professor Li Zhengdao, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics.On August 4th, US time died in San Francisco and was 98 years old (the prosecution was called 97 years old).

On the same day, the relevant parties of Shanghai Jiaotong University also confirmed the news of Li Zhengdao's death.

Li Zhengdao, a physicist, born in Shanghai, was born in Shanghai, China, and was originally from Suzhou, Jiangsu.From 1944 to 1946, he studied at Zhejiang University and Southwest United University.In 1950, he received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Chicago in the United States.In 1956, he served as a professor at Columbia University in the United States, a professor at the Princeton High Research Institute in 1960, a professor of Fermi Lecture at the University of Columbia in 1964, and a "lecture professor" of Columbia University in 1984.Academician of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1959), academicians of the National Academy of Sciences (1964), Foreign Academician of the Foreign Academy of Forestry Sciences (1982) and Taiwan's "Central Academy" (1957).He has won the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Einstein Award (1957) and the Supreme Cavaliers (1986) of the Republic of Italy.

As an important epoch -making contribution, Li Zhengdao discovered that in the weak interaction, he said that he was not conservative law, and and Professor Yang Zhenning won the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics.From the late 1940s to the early 1970s, in the field of weak interaction research, the theory of microphone, the universality of the weak interaction, the theory of the middle boson, and the CP destruction in the neutral K medonic decay, etc.Important research results; in terms of statistical mechanics, cooperation with Yang Zhenning and Huang Kesun has made a pioneering contribution to multi -body theory.In the 1970s and 1980s, the theory of non -topological orphan was founded, and the concept of "Lee Model", "KLN theorem", and "abnormal nuclear" concepts in quantum field theory were proposed.He was elected as a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1994.