Lin Shixiong, director of the Hong Kong Transport and Logistics Bureau, pointed out that Hong Kong's maritime career career plan will start from primary and secondary school students.

Lin Shixiong wrote on Saturday (August 3) that in recent years, Hong Kong's primary and secondary schools have incorporated the elements of lifelong learning and professional information into the course, so that students can get the required knowledge, skills and attitudes as soon as possibleWith their interests and abilities, let them make wise school or employment options.

He revealed that the Hong Kong Marine Port Bureau also strengthened the scope of education in primary and secondary schools and launched publications and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workshops with theme of navigation science knowledge.Early germinated in their hearts.

Lin Shixiong said that the bureau earlier commissioned a youth training institution to hold a career planning workshop for a total of 10 primary and secondary schools.The workshop is equipped with a primary school version (Primary Fourth to Primary 6) and the middle school version (middle 4 to middle 6) to meet the needs of career planning of different ages.

He introduced that the elementary school version focuses on an interesting way to introduce various maritime occupations, match the students' own talents, lays the seeds of interest in the field of maritime, and promotes them to explore and maritime in the process of growth and maritime affairsRelated occupation.High school students are at a critical stage of responding to examinations, selection of sciences, and career selection. The workshop focuses on the diversity of the shipping industry and the requirements of different types of work. By assisting them in understanding and understanding the differences between occupations, work, and industryAnd examine your own interests, abilities and desires, so as to understand yourself more, and formulate the goal of learning or career development in the middle and long -term periods.