Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei in Taiwan, for a banquet to exchange for a dinner party in the opposite side of New Taipei.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily China Times reported that Hou Youyi seized the legislators and exchanged municipal exchanges on Monday (August 5).Legislator Su Qiaohui, Huang Guochang, legislator of the people's parties, and Liu Heran, the deputy mayor of New Taipei City, Hong Mengkai, the Kuomintang legislators.These four are regarded as a popular candidate for the mayor of New Taipei in 2026.

Hou Youyi said in his speech that in order to work hard to work hard in New Taipei City, and allow legislators to master the construction of municipal and future construction, the city government will explain in detail the required central and local parts of the central and local parts.Regarding work, I hope that legislators can give care and support regardless of party factions and regions, and jointly promote municipal development.

After the meeting, all legislators took a group photo and shouted the slogan of "New Taipei City". After Huang Guochang left, the other legislators and Hou Youyi accepted the joint interview with Hou Youyi.

Hou Youyi responded whether to mention the election issues in the media questioning meeting. Today, they are talking about the construction of New Taipei City today. Whether it is large construction and small construction, "we are concerned about the future of New Taipei City."

Su Qiaohui also described that the atmosphere of the meal was very harmonious, and emphasized that there was no parties here. All legislators were "New Taipei Team".

Taiwan media described that although the atmosphere of the meeting was harmonious and uniquely emphasized the "New Taipei Team", the routine meal once every four years was still full of the election atmosphere.

In addition, a small episode also occurred in the meal. After entering the venue, Huang Guochang put the Taiwanese white tea gift box sent by the city government on the ground.Stumble down.Hou Youyi hurriedly lifted Zhang Honglu, and apologized for "our hospitality" in his speech.

It is reported that when the Kuomintang chairman Zhu Lilun began to invite regional legislators when he served as the mayor of New Taipei. Hou Youyi continued.In addition to the absence of Yu Tian, ​​the other 11 legislators were attended.