Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, was reported on July 25 after being reported to the female subordinate Li Peixia. The local official reported the next day.

The incident originally came to an end, a news about Li Peixia's death on Monday (July 29), it began to spread online.Shangrao City officially came forward on Tuesday (July 30), but Li Peixia's father who reported Mao Qi said two days after another, saying that he did not know that his daughter's recent situation, and did not know why his daughter was left for the reason, and pushed the topic to the public vision again.

Li Peixia's father, Li Changliu, is a retired teacher in Wannian County. He uploaded videos on the Internet on July 25. Real names reported that Mao Qi used his power to control Li Peixia for a long time, and forced obscenity and sexual assault.

Li Changliu, who hid in Guangdong, said that there were eight stages of recording in his USB disk.The exposed recording was Li Peixia, the daughter of the party committee secretary of the Shangfang Township of Wannian County, when reporting the work in Maoqi's office, the latter required a recording of sexual relationships;Call Li Peixia and asked her to go to her residence to chat and drink tea in the middle of the night.

Li Changliu reported on the real name of Mao Qixia on the real name of Li Peixia on July 25, and forced obscenity and sexual assault.(Internet)

In the relevant dialogue, although both of them are secretly words, their own needs are also desperate: Li Peixia wants Mao Qi to recommend himself (believes that it is related to promotion), as long as he recommends "everything can", and Mao Qiqi is recommended, and Mao QiqiWhile promising "I will recommend you", he insisted on asking Li Peixia to accompany him.Li Peixia has always been entrusted on the grounds of illness, and said he was afraid, and said, "I'm afraid you can't help it."

After the above information was exposed, public opinion was uproar.Some netizens believe that Mao Qi is undoubtedly implied, but some netizens have pointed out that this seems to be a power transaction that "one is willing to be willing to be beaten."

The southern weekend published a comment article on July 28th, saying whether it is rape, forced obscenity, or a transaction with power and the other party with power and the other party.

The joint investigation team of the Shangrao Municipal Party Committee reported on the night when Li Changliu reported Mao Qi that it was reported that the municipal party committee attaches great importance to and immediately set up a joint investigation team to investigate and verify.

According to Chinese media reports, the Shangrao City Investigation Team issued a notification of the next day (July 26) and rushed to Guangdong to meet with Li Changliu, and promised Li Changliu to "investigate fairness and just seriously".Investigation team.

Li Peixia with unknown fall

In addition to the call of Li Peixia and Mao Qi, Li Changliu also disclosed an equally heavy information in the report, that is, his daughter has been taken away for more than two months, and the whereabouts have been unknown to this day.

Li Changliu said that Li Peixia said on May 23 this year that he would report to the province to report Mao Qi. As a result, he was taken away by the Supervisory Committee of the Wannian County Discipline Inspection and was left to this day later.The USB disk recording on Li Changliu's hand was that Li Peixia was taken away to him before being taken away, and ordered the thing to "save her life."

The official account of the Shangrao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection "Shangrao Qingfeng" released Li Peixia's investigation on June 17, which confirmed Li Changliu's statement.

Li Changliu revealed in an interview that in the meeting with the investigation team, he proposed to know Li Peixia's physical and mental condition, and wanted to meet with him.

The investigation team replied at the time that Li Peixia's body and mental condition were normal, and there were doctors in the restrictions.As for the requirements of the meeting, you must report to the above.But Li Changliu said that the other party never contacted him and did not respond to the relevant requests he made.

Li Changliu expressed concern about her daughter's condition and situation on the night of July 26.

Three days later (July 29), the Chinese media suddenly published an article saying that Li Peixia was mentally abnormal and was being rescued. She even reported the news that she had died on the Internet.The Shangrao Municipal Party Committee's Internet Information Office responded: "This news is a rumor." But what is the specific situation of Li Peixia's body and spiritual aspects, so far, there is no official response.

The daughter's life and death were unknown. Li Changliu posted a Weibo again on Thursday (August 1), suspecting that Mao Qi used the public power to monitor the process of hearing and monitor it.And said, "Before Li Peixia was taken away, Mao Qi told her directly: This time you have to drop the skin!"

Reserve is a compulsory measure taken by the Chinese supervisory organs during the investigation and the person involved in the case.Chinese official information shows that the retention time must not exceed three months.Unless the situation is special, it can be extended once, that is, the maximum period must not exceed six months.

There are professionals analyzed that according to Li Peixia's case, her restless time is likely to be on August 26.

The intersection of Li Peixia and Maoqi

Li Peixia, 41 this year, joined the work in December 2001, and served as the chairman of the Women's Federation of Wannian County Women's Federation in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Pei Town, Wannian County, Secretary of the Party Committee of Pei Town, Wannian County.The party secretary of the Shangfang Township of Wannian County.

After working in Wannian County for 20 years, Li Peixia is still at the right level.

Looking at Mao Qi, the promotion of his career can be described as sitting on the rocket.After graduating from Hunan University of Technology in 2003, Maoqi, 42, became a cadre of Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province (withdrawn from the county after 2014, renamed it to Xinzhou District).

After that, he took a step almost every two years.In 2005, he was transferred to the Office of the Shangrao County Party Committee; in 2007, he served as the deputy director of the Political Research Office of the Shangrao County Party Committee; in 2009, he was promoted to the General Office of the Shangrao Municipal Government and served as the deputy director of the Secretariat and the director of the meeting office.

32 -year -old Mao Qi became the director of the Office of the Talent Leading Group of the Shangrao Municipal Party Committee in 2014, and has been on the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the deputy county chief of the Government.

In January 2020, Mao Qi served as Deputy Secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee of Shangrao City and the county magistrate of Wannian.In July 2021, he served as the secretary of the Wannian County Party Committee and became the leader of the place.

Online public opinion pointed out that Mao Qi's promotion is a strong family. It is said that his father is also an official in the system, and the official to the hall level.There are also news that his wife's house is also very powerful.However, this information was not confirmed.

In any case, Mao Qi's promotion speed is unpredictable for most people in the system, let alone Li Peixia who has not been promoted for 10 years.

Online data shows that Li Peixia, who has a good image, has frequently appeared in the past, and may hope to get greater attention by creating a personal image.When she worked in Pei Mei Town in her early years, she appeared on the local TV station and sent a long -term Spring Festival. When working in Shangfang Township, she stood in a TV program and sang the motherland alone.But these efforts did not make her promoted to the Juejue.

Li Peixia appeared on the local TV station when he worked in Pei Town and sent a message from the New Year.(Video interception)
Li Peixia performed a solo singer to sing the motherland in the show when he worked in Shangfang Township.(Video interception)

From the public information calculation, Mao Qi and Li Peixia interspersed at work around 2015. At that time, the two were the leaders of the township, but then Mao Qi rose all the way, and Li Peixia still stepped.

China's county officialland ecology

Li Peixia and Mao Qi are the superiors of sexual harassment to their subordinates, or the fish dead net after the power transaction, and there is still no conclusion.However, Li Peixia and Mao Qi's respective fate and ambiguous interaction, and Li Peixia was taken away after a report, and then left for more than two months of audio news.And the political ecology of China's grass -roots officialdom.

Dr. Feng Junqi, a doctor of sociology at Peking University, went to a county in a county in Henan in 2008. Two years later, he wrote a 250,000 -word paper cadre with his own work experience, revealing the "upper above China's grassroots regime.The tribute system "" buying officials and selling officials "and the official ecology of the hereditary" political family ".

This paper concludes some of the general laws of grass -roots politics: for example, a rebellious one is a dead end; if a official is not promoted to the county level at the age of 45, it will no longer be improved; and it will no longer be improved;For example, women have very little opportunities to be promoted, and they rely on the political resources of their families; and the formal or informal relationship between officials plays an important role in the career, and it is often a decisive role.

Zhongxian cadres received great public opinion at the time, and issues such as "political family" and "buy officials and officials" also became the focus of the grassroots anti -corruption.However, the political ecology of the county in China has not been effectively governed, and the leaders still have the power of covering the sky. Mao Qi and Li Peixia are still vividly interpreted the plot 14 years ago.