On July 28, Yan Moumou, the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhaotong City, Yunnan, was reported to have an unfair relationship with the female subordinates.In response, the Zhaotong Discipline Inspection Commission of Discipline Inspection reported that the inspection team had been established to carry out investigation and verification work.Nandu reporters found that in March of this year, he also attended a telephone conference on the party style and clean government construction of Zhaotong Public Security Organs.

Yan Moumou

According to media reports, in the reporting recording, some men said that "you can rest assured that I won't take a picture", the woman said "secretary, you drink too much wine", and the man also said "kiss" and so on.

On July 28, the Zhaotong Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that it was concerned about the relevant situation of Yan Moumou, the leader of the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhaotong City Discipline Inspection Commission in the Internet.The verification of work will be processed according to the verification situation, according to the rules and disciplines, according to law and law.

According to the official website of the Zhaotong Municipal Government, Yan was a member of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the leader of the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission and Municipal Supervision Committee, and was in charge of the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission and Municipal Supervision Committee.Nandu reporters inquired about the public information of the Zhaotong Public Security Bureau. On March 2, the Zhaotong Public Security Bureau held a television conference on the construction of the party style and clean government construction of the city's public security organs in 2024. Yan Moumou attended the meeting.In October 2023, Yan Moumou also taught the integrity party lesson for the police of the city, proposing to "tree the image of the iron army."

Caiwan: Nandu reporter Ao Yinxue