(Suzhou Comprehensive News) A man who claims to be a member of the Business Bureau of the Suzhou Industrial Park China in China reported the corruption on the online real name and said that the Suzhou Discipline Inspection Commission has accepted the report, but there is no feedback so far.

According to Shenzhen Reading News Monday (July 29), on the morning of the morning, Yang Mou, a member of the Party Working Committee of the Suzhou Industrial Park and the Minister of Organization Department, went to the residence of the reporter Ma Xiangyu and his mother, asking him to go to the park to the parkThe Management Committee building verified the relevant situation.However, no relevant departments have publicly responded to the matter.

According to the Jinan New Yellow River Sunday (July 28), Ma Xiangyu claims to be a graduate of Tsinghua University in 2018 and a member of the Suzhou Industrial Park Business Bureau.He publicly published video and report letters on the Internet, and reported his actual name to the director of the Suzhou Industrial Park Business Bureau Zhu and his gangs who violated political discipline, organizational discipline, work discipline, and integrity discipline.Take funds, transport interest, provide false materials to the provincial party committee inspection team, and I wish him a fake.

Ma Xiangyu said that he had provided a large number of materials such as contracts, bills, inquiry records, call recording, WeChat chat records, email accounts and other materials with the Suzhou Discipline Inspection Commission and other materials.The Suzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was officially accepted on March 13, 2023, but it has been in the past year and four months, and there is no feedback so far.

Ma Xiangyu said in an interview with special news that this voice was due to many refusal to participate in related procurement activities led by Zhu Mou, and suffered four years of blow retaliation, which was disturbed.

New Yellow River contacted to Zhu himself.Zhu Mou said, "I am not convenient for this matter. You can contact us in the Propaganda Department of the Suzhou Industrial Park." The Xin Yellow River subsequently called the Publicity Department many times, but no one answered.

The China Business Daily Dafeng News reported that a staff member of the duty room of the Suzhou Municipal Government responded that he had paid attention to reports online and attached great importance to it, and said that he was a city management cadre.investigation.