Shaanxi Normal University released on July 25th: In response to the information on the Internet on the Internet, the school's teacher Wang Moumou was suspected of being a teacher's loss.After investigation, Wang Moumou seriously violated the professional ethics of teachers, harmed the image of the teacher, and caused a bad impact.

After research, it decided to revoke his associate professor's title, cancel his postgraduate instructor's qualifications, revoke the qualifications of teachers of Shaanxi Normal University, and relieve the employment relationship.At the same time, the relevant education administrative departments were requested to revoke their teachers' qualifications in accordance with the law and reflect the clues of the problem to the relevant authorities in accordance with the law.

Previous report

Shaanxi Normal University ’s suspicious teacher harassment incident has been reported to the party: once called the office to talk about large -scale topics

On July 23, a netizen posted that shortly after graduating, he received indecent photos from the male teacher Wang Moumou from Shaanxi Normal University, causing discussions between netizens.On the evening of July 24, Shaanxi Normal University issued a statement saying that the school had set up a special class to investigate and verify it. At the same time, the school had reported to the local public security department and suspended all the teachers' work during the investigation.

A few days ago, the girl Xiaoqi (pseudonym) said in an interview with Red Star News that the instructor of his undergraduate thesis was Wang Moumou. He was previously called in the tea room in the office by him.The paper talks about his sexual life.Another girl who said that Wang Moumou had been harassed than (pseudonym) said that he and Wang Moumou had never met, but had previously added WeChat friends.Foucault, the author of the history of experience, and thus led to some topics about private life, "this makes me very uncomfortable." Less than saying.

Girls in the person: I have been called to the tea room in the office alone to talk about large -scale topics

Xiao Qi said that in 2013, he entered the School of Journalism and Communication of Shaanxi Normal University. The tutor of the undergraduate thesis was Wang Moumou."I didn't have much contact with Wang Moumou before, but I felt that he had more contact with the society and had a strong business practice ability, so I chose him at that time."

Xiao Qi told Hongxing News that Wang Moumou had a tea room in the school's office. He was called by Wang Moumou alone to the office in the office when he wrote a paper.

"My graduation thesis at that time was probably the image research of pregnant women in film and television works. When discussing, Wang Moumou talked about his own sexual life.The direction was not interrupted, but he was very uncomfortable. "Xiao Qi said.

Red Star News On the website of the School of Journalism and Communication of Shaanxi Normal University, Wang Moumou is a postgraduate instructor of the Department of Broadcasting Film and Television, but its detailed introduction can no longer be opened.According to other media reports, in addition to daily teaching, Wang Moumou is also good at painting, likes to drink tea, and has his own studio.

A number of students from the School of Journalism and Communication of Shaanxi Normal University told Red Star News that Wang Moumou is still a teacher in the school and was still brought graduate students before, but his daily lectures are not much.

The school claims that the teacher has suspended all the work of the teacher's loss of morality "zero tolerance"

In 2017, before Xiaoqi graduated from undergraduate, he went to Wang Moumou's office to thank him for guiding his graduation thesis, but Wang Moumou led the topic to the dress style after work."He asked me to stand up and say that I would like to look at my figure to give me a suggestion." Xiao Qi said that he went to work in Beijing after graduation.And said, "You know how to appreciate."

"I feel very scared, and I have never contacted it since then." Xiao Qi said, not long ago, she saw the news of other universities who had missed teachers and misconduct, and thought of what happened many years ago."This time I decided to say it, once bravely." After she sent her experience to the Internet, a teacher from Shaanxi Normal University contacted her and said that it would deal with the matter.

On the evening of July 24, Shaanxi Normal University issued a statement saying that the school attaches great importance to the information on the online teacher Wang Moumou's suspected teacher morality in 2017, and set up a special class for investigation and verification at the first time.In order to find out the facts as soon as possible, the school has reported the case to the local public security department, and the police have been involved in the investigation.During the investigation, he suspended everything the teacher's work.

Shaanxi Normal University also stated in this statement that the school attaches great importance to the construction of teachers and morality, adheres to the "zero tolerance" of teachers' morals. Once the relevant situation is verified, it will be strictly handled and will never be tolerated.The results of the investigation and treatment will be announced in a timely manner.

Others said that they have been harassed by WeChat: The materials collected have been handed over to the school

On July 24th and 25th, Red Star News repeatedly dialed Wang Moumou's mobile phone, but could not be connected. Wang Moumou has not applied through the WeChat friend of Red Star Journalists.

In addition to Xiaoqi, girls said in recent days that they had been harassed by Wang Moumou before.

In 2015, he was a graduate student in another university in Xi'an. An accidental opportunity added Wang Moumou's WeChat.She told Hongxing News that she and Wang Moumou had never seen each other, and she had never said anything after.One day she posted a circle of friends with her own photo. Wang Moumou then sent a message to find her, saying that he wanted to talk about Foucault, who wanted to talk about the history of sexual experience, and started some large -scale topics. He also said that the chat content "Only tonight. "

Xiao Qi told Hongxing News, and a girl Xiaojuan (pseudonym) also contacted her, and provided her with a record of chatting with Xiaojuan WeChat before.In the chat, it once stated: "Let you and my communication start with each other's discussions with each other, and sublimating from the body is also Foucault's ideological manifestation."

Xiaoqi said she has handed over the materials collected to the school."I hope to avoid this kind of situation through their own actions."

Red Star Journalist Fu Yan Intern Zheng Shunshun

Editor Su Shi Editor -in -chief