Former SecretaryLuo Baoming, deputy chairman of the Overseas Chinese Committee of the National People's Congress, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations and actively investing in the case. He is currently under investigation.

The website of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's website released the above news on Thursday (July 25).Luo Baoming was the first former secretary of the provincial party committee since the establishment of the province in Hainan in 1988, and the second former secretary of the provincial party committee that had taken the initiative to invest in the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Public information shows that Luo Baoming is 71 years old, from Tianjin, and his career starts in Tianjin.In 1978, China resumed the college entrance examination. Luo Baoming entered the Chinese Department of the Tianjin Teachers College in November of that year. After graduation, he entered the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League. After that, he gradually promoted the cadres of the Ministry of Industry to the Tianjin Municipal Party Secretary of the Communist Youth League.Essence

Subsequently, Luo Baoming served as the secretary of the Tianjin Dagang District Committee, the district head, the director of the Tianjin Municipal Commercial Committee, the deputy secretary of the Municipal Committee of the Municipal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, etc. In 1997, he served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of the Propaganda Department.

In 2001, Luo Baoming served as Deputy Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, and later served as Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. In 2007, he served as Deputy Secretary and Governor of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee.In February 2012, he served as Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress.From April 2017 to March 2023, he successively served as deputy chairman of the 12th and 13th National People's Congress Overseas Chinese Committee.

The first official who took the initiative to invest in after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was Qin Rongrong, former secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee.In 2019, Qin Lingrong was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and took the initiative to invest.He was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2021 and fined 1.5 million yuan (278,700 yuan).