Looking at the journalist Zhang Weike Liu Shipeng

Recently, some students from Wuhan University have publicly released multiple videos to question. A total of 44Of the winners, 39 were cadres of the Wuhan University Book Association, and the remaining 5 were former cadres of the Wuhan University Book Association.The netizen also questioned that such a game for the whole school completely became the "Wu Da Book Association" to give himself awards and had a failed fairness.On December 28, the Youth League Committee of Wuhan University responded to the news (reported WeChat: ZLXWBL2023), and the school had dealt with the results.However, the Youth League Committee of Wuhan University refused to disclose.

Reflects the positions of the winners of the 29th Student Cultural Festival Cultural Festival of the Student Society of the Student Association.(Source/Network)

According to the news of this netizen, in the 29th Student Cultural Festival held by Wuhan University, a calligraphy and calligraphy competition was organized by the Wuhan University Book Association, called "Lujia College".After the competition, a total of 44 people awarded. All 44 were members of the Wuhan University Book Association, of which 39 were current cadres and 5 of them were predecessors.The screenshot of the award -winning list of the netizen also specifically marked the post of awarded students at the Wuhan University Book Association. Except for the first prize, except for one executive deputy minister, the remaining 5 people, the grade of the award and the vice president, the award level and the level of the award and the grade and the award level and the level of the award and the award level.The size of the job is distributed from high to low.The netizen also said that similar situations have also appeared in the 28th Student Society Culture Festival. This session has 286 people participating and 44 people won awards.This netizen believes that the members of the Wuhan University Book Association are both organizers and winners, which is equivalent to both athletes and referees and awarding themselves to themselves.

Looking at the journalists inquiring on the official website of the Communist Youth League of Wuhan University, on September 21, 2023, Wuhan University announced the winning list of the 29th Student Cultural Festival.Ordinary theme projects, painting and calligraphy activities organized by the University of Books.After searching for the public account of the Wuhan University Book Association, the reporter saw that the Wuhan University Book Association held the conference of the year on May 29, 2022 and May 27, 2023. OverviewAfter comparison, I found that according to the winning list of the "Lujia Academy" event of the 29th Student Society Cultural Festival, 39 of the 44 winners are indeed the current member of the Wuhan University Book Association, of which 30 are deputy ministers and above.Nine people are ministerial, and the remaining award -winning 5 people are former members of the association.The reporter checked the first and second prizes of the first and second prizes of the 28th Student Society Cultural Festival of the school in accordance with the above methods. The first prize of the first prize was all members of the Wuhan University Book Association at the time.The 15th prizes were also members of the association of the Wuhan University Book Association at the time.

On the morning of the 28th, the journalists called the Youth League Committee of Wuhan University and Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee, and the school told reporters that the school had dealt with the results of the incident and made serious treatment.For detailed processing results, Secretary Wu refused to disclose.Secretary Wu said that the student did not give feedback from the school's real name. After the school paid attention to the online reflection, he immediately conducted an investigation.Regarding the questioning of "both referees and athletes", Secretary Wu believes that everyone may have misunderstood, "not what it is said on the Internet."The reporter further questioned that she also did not answer, saying that understanding the specific situation needs to contact the Propaganda Department of Wuhan University to be interviewed uniformly.

The reporter then called multiple departments of the Propaganda Department of Wuhan University, but the responses received were not clear. The specific situation needed to contact the Wuhan University Youth League Committee.