Sun Shanbao is broadcast live.Data diagram

On December 15th, Anhui Discipline Inspection and Supervision Network quoted the Luzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee that the party secretary and director of the Luzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau Sun Shanbao were suspected of serious disciplinary violations.Essence

Public information shows that Sun Shanbao, male, Han nationality, born in November 1974, was born in Xiaoxian, Anhui, joined the work in August 1994, and has a postgraduate degree.

Sun Shanbao was the deputy director of the Bozhou City Transportation Bureau, the deputy director of the municipal government office, the deputy director of the Municipal Civilization Office, and the director of the Municipal Civilization Office. In 2020, he served as the director of the Municipal Transportation Bureau.

Surging News ( Sun Shanbao has previously been called the "Director of the Internet" because of live broadcast solving the problem of mass travel problems.

According to the Anhui Daily in August 2023, recently, Sun Shanbao, director of the Transportation Bureau of Luzhou City, became a "net red".The bureau normalized the "Director to take you to see traffic" live broadcast activities. The director took the lead in entering the live broadcast room, using the WeChat public account, Douyin and other Internet platforms to open the door to listen to the voices of the masses and resolve the pain points that the masses cared about.

As of now, the "Director has taken you to see the traffic" column has been broadcast for eight periods, and received the 201 and reported issues of the problem with netizens' consultations. 191 has been settled and 10 pieces are being handled at 95%.