(Xining/Lanzhou Comprehensive News) Liu Qifan, a former member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, has served as Deputy Secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee.This adjustment is the third time he has per -provincial performance.

According to Qinghai Daily, Chen Gang, Secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, went to Golmud City, Haixi Prefecture on Saturday (December 16) to supervise the rectification of typical cases of central ecological environmental protection inspection and reporting.The report mentioned that Liu Qifan, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the meeting.

The above news shows that Liu Qifan has been the deputy secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee.

Public information shows that Liu Qifan is 56 years old, a native of Shuicheng, Guizhou.He entered the major of political economics in the Department of Economics and Economics of Xiamen University in 1984. He worked in Guizhou after graduation., Secretary of the Tongren Municipal Party Committee.

In May 2015, Liu Qifan served as Secretary -General of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, and was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee in January 2016, and concurrently served as Secretary -General of the Provincial Party Committee.In October of the same year, he adjusted the Inner Mongolia across the province and served as the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Autonomous Region.

Five years later, Liu Qifan was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission in November 2021, and soon served as the deputy director and director of the Provincial Supervision Committee, and this time he fulfilled Qinghai.Liu Qifan is also a member of the 19th and 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China.

According to the Lanzhou Daily, the Lanzhou People's Congress Standing Committee held a meeting on Friday (December 15).

Xu Yongtie was transferred to local government officials from the level of leading cadres of the Chinese Democratic Party.He was 51 years old. Chinese media reported that his native origin was Tainan in Taiwan. He was born in Xiamen, Fujian in 1972. Taiwan media described him as the "second generation of Taiwan".He studied at the School of Architecture, Xiamen University, and Ph.D. at the School of Architecture of Harbin Institute of Technology.

According to the WeChat public account of the Fujian Branch of the People's Daily, the WeChat public account of the Fujian Channel of the People's Daily Online, Xu Yongtie has been the deputy director of the Xiamen Construction Bureau, the deputy chairman of the Xiamen Municipal Committee of the Taiwan League, and the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Taiwan League Provincial Party Committee.

In November 2020, Xu Yongtie was selected as the vice chairman of the Taiwan League Fujian Provincial Committee.He is currently a member of the Central Committee of the Taiwan Alliance, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, Deputy Secretary -General of the Provincial CPPCC, and a full -time deputy chairman of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Taiwan League.