Liu Qifan, who had previously served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, has already been a member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.Deputy Secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee.

According to the Qinghai Daily News, the Secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress of the Communist Party of China on Saturday (December 16) Chen Gang went to Golmud City, Haixi to supervise the rectification work of the typical cases of the Central Ecological Environmental Protection Supervisor.And hold special meetings to study and promote rectification work.Liu Qifan, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and provincial leaders Zhu Xiangfeng and Liu Tao attended.

The above news shows that Liu Qifan has been the deputy secretary of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee.

Public information shows that Liu Qifan was born in 1967. He is a native of Shuicheng, Guizhou. From 1984 to 1988, he studied at the Department of Economics and Economics at the Department of Economics and Economics of Xiamen University. He returned to work in Guizhou after graduation.

Liu Qifan served as deputy director of the General Office of the General Office of the Guizhou Provincial Government in 1999, a deputy director and director of the secretary of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Policy Research Office, and Deputy Secretary -General of the Provincial Party CommitteeWait.

In July 2012, Liu Qifan served as the secretary of the Tongren Municipal Party Committee, and in April 2015, he served as Secretary -General of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee.In January 2016, he was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and continued to serve as Secretary -General of the Provincial Party Committee.

In October 2016, Liu Qifan adjusted the Inner Mongolia across provinces and served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission.During the Inner Mongolia, the anti -corruption storm in the field of coal resource in the coal resource "inverted 20 years" was experienced.

Liu Qifan was transferred to Liaoning Province in November 2021 as the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.In January 2022, Liu Qifan was elected as the director of the Liaoning Provincial Supervision Committee, and this time he fulfilled Qinghai.