Chen Jing Nanjing Report

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"This time Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu, which is not comparable to the easing of Lien Chan's" Ice Breaking Journey "at all." Liu Hua (a pseudonym), a 42 -year -old Nanjing citizen Liu Hua (a pseudonym), showed the reporter of Lianhe Zaobao as the chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang Lien Chan.During the Zhongshan Mausoleum in Nanjing, the photos he took on the scene.At that time, Liu Hua followed Lian Zhan to the Zhongshan Mausoleum Hall and took several close -up photos. Now he can only look at the "horse" outside the gate of the cemetery.Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou worshiped the Zhongshan Mausoleum on Tuesday (March 28). Hundreds of mainlanders, like Liu Hua, came to the cemetery entrance early in the morning. Among them, most of them were older.Come.However, because it was unable to make an appointment to enter the park in the morning, most people were blocked outside the door, and they had to see the Ma Ying -jeou team enter the cemetery's parking lot across the fence.Some people told reporters that the Zhongshan Mausoleum usually enters without appointment. In order to see Ma Ying -jeou, he made an appointment a week in advance to 8:30 in the morning, but was temporarily refunded the previous night.It was unable to enter the park because of dissatisfaction.A middle -aged man shouted, "What's so great about Ma Ying -jeou, why not let us go in!" He was taken away by two police officers.The reporter turned on the mobile phone to watch the live broadcast of the Taiwan media video and entered the cemetery, which attracted many people to watch.An uncle in Nanjing, who was over 80, lamented that when Taiwanese politicians such as Lien Chan, Song Chuyu and Hong Xiuzhu came to worship the Zhongshan Mausoleum, he could follow the garden.

Even so, most of the people interviewed still welcomed Ma Ying -jeou's landing, and looked forward to this visit to enhance cross -strait exchanges and ease the tension atmosphere.

26 -year -old Kobayashi learned that Ma Ying -jeou visited Lu, and rushed from Shenyang, Liaoning to Nanjing.Kobayashi said that he wanted to travel to Taiwan when he graduated from university in 2019. He did not expect that the mainland residents were stopped at the free travel of the mainland. He therefore was "deeply disgusted" to the DPP in ruling Taiwan.Although Ma Ying -jeou has stepped down as president for many years, Kobayashi believes that he is still the highest leader of Taiwan who has visited the mainland currently, and believes that there is still a certain influence."Looking forward to the recovery of non -governmental exchanges such as (mainland residents) and Lu Sheng to Taiwan through the exchange of young people on both sides of the strait." Ma Ying -jeou went to the Chinese Museum of Modern History (Nanjing Presidential Palace) and Nanjing in the center of Nanjing City on Tuesday afternoon.The former residence of Rabe, Chairman of the International Security Zone.Police cleared the field one hour in advance, but a large number of people still gathered onlookers.