Economic Observation Network Reporter Li Wei Ao Duan Xun, a well -known host and football commentator of CCTV, was identified by the court. From 2018 to 2020, the director of the Olympic Games of the State General Administration of Sports and the Chinese competitionLiu Aijie, chairman of the boat association and chairman of the Chinese Kayak Association, bribed RMB, US dollars, euro and other cash, totaling more than 9.5 million yuan. The bribery locations include many places in the United States, Norway, Spain, Indonesia, and Beijing, China.

In December 2023, authoritative sources introduced the above situation to the reporter of the Economic Observation Network, and informed Liu Aijie and was sentenced to 11 years in prison for the first instance of the Intermediate People's Court of Hebi City, Henan Province for bribery, and fined 2 million yuanEssenceLiu Aijie "pleaded guilty".

Two staff members of the judicial system of Hebi City also confirmed to reporters that Duan Yan filed a public prosecution to the Shancheng District Court for suspected bribery.

From December 27th to 29th, 2023, reporters from the Economic Observation Network contacted many officials in the Shancheng District Procuratorate of Hebi City and the Shancheng District Court.On December 29, a spokesman for the Shancheng District Court responded to the reporter that the trial and judgment of the Duan Yi case was "involved in the trial secrets and inconvenient to inform."

CCTV worked 20 years later Duan Yan joined Wang Sicong's company

Public resumes show that Duan Yan was born in Beijing in July 1972 and studied at Beijing Broadcasting College (now Communication University of China).After graduating in 1995, he entered the work of CCTV (hereinafter referred to as CCTV) and became a sports journalist.Beginning in 2000, Duan Yan presided over the world football column.From 2003 to 2004, he also hosted the e -sports world program.

In 2006, during the World Cup in Germany (the 18th FIFA World Cup), Duan Yan served as a commentator of CCTV broadcast.In 2009, Duan Yan served as the host of the champion European show.During the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Duan Yue was the commentary of CCTV broadcast.

In 2015, Wang Sicong, the son of real estate agent Wang Jianlin and well -known investor, established the "Banana Plan" series such as Shanghai Banana Plan Culture Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Banana Planning Culture Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Banana Planning Video Game Co., Ltd.

At the end of the same year, Duan Ye resigned from CCTV and joined Wang Sicong's "Banana Plan".

In March 2016, Wang Sicong set up Beijing Banana Planning Culture Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Banana Sports).

In banana sports companies, Wang Sicong directly holds 20%of the shares and indirectly holds 41.1%through Shanghai Banana Plan Culture Development Co., Ltd., which is the actual controller of Banana Sports.Duan Yan is the legal representative, chairman and general manager of Banana Sports Company, and holds 20%of the equity.

On June 28, 2017, Banana Sports announced the completion of a round A financing of 30 million yuan.

At that time, Duan Yan publicly stated that the use of this financing is "In addition to continuing to create high -quality sports content products, it will also work in the two areas of ice and snow, and develop high -quality events and content."

Liu Aijie, a senior official of the Sports General Administration, was left over and then checked

It is also the force of banana sports in the field of ice and snow. Duan Yan later had a close connection with Liu Aijie and sent many benefits to the latter many times.

Liu Aijie, born in October 1957, graduated from Beijing Sports University and was a doctor of sports training.Liu Aijie during the youth had conducted sports training for mid -long running and walking projects. He also stepped into the countryside as a educated youth and was also a car repairman and bus driver.In the 1990s, Liu Aijie entered the National Sports Commission (renamed the State Sports General Administration in 1998) at the time.

In June 2001, Liu Aijie was appointed as the three director of the Water Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports; in August 2005, he was promoted to the deputy director of the Water Sports Management Center.In December 2011, Liu Aijie was transferred to the position of deputy director of the State General Administration of Sports and Sports Department. In 2017, when he was 60 years old, he served as the director of the State General Administration of Sports Olympic Games.From December 2017 to December 2022, Liu Aijie also served as the chairman of the Chinese Rowing Association and the chairman of the Chinese Rowing Rowing Association.

People who are familiar with Liu Aijie told the reporter of Economic Observation Network that Liu Aijie's ability to work is more prominent. Before the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the famous athlete Gu Ailing could participate in the Chinese team to coordinateWaiting for multi -party relationships, they have invested great efforts, and their results are quite significant.

Liu Aijie's wife Zhang Xiuyun, born in February 1976, is a famous rowing athlete. His career has won a number of honors such as the Ateland Olympic Double Passmanship and the World Rowing Championship Women's Four Passage Champions.National Rowing Team Coach.

On March 28, 2023, Liu Aijie, 66, accepted the investigation and investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the State Discipline Inspection Commission in the State Administration of Discipline Inspection and Henan Provincial Supervision Commission.His wife Zhang Xiuyun was also taken away to cooperate with the investigation.

In April 2023, Duan Ye was also taken away by Henan Discipline Inspection and Supervision Agency for Liu Aijie's case.The last Weibo he posted was April 18, 2023.

Bringing Liu Aijie more than 9.5 million yuan for banana sports contracting business Duan

As the investigation and trial of Liu Aijie's case was promoted, Duan Yan's case gradually became clear.

Hebi Intermediate People's Court found out that between 2018 and 2020, the Banana Sports Company contracted the Olympic Games to prepare for the "cross -border" and "cross -item" selection agency service, contract approval payment, etc.When Liu Aijie helped, Liu Aijie agreed.

The "cross -border" and "cross -item" of the sports industry refers to the training and competition from the field that one athlete was originally good at to another field.

For example, in August 2017, the General Office of the State General Administration of Sports issued a notice of cross -border materials for the four Olympic projects of rock climbing, surfing, skateboarding, and small wheels., Hidemate, Gymnastics and other projects, select a group of competitive sports talents with good will, excellent physical forms, excellent physical fitness, and outstanding sports talents through cross -border materials., Four sports projects for small wheels to form a national team and national training team to strive to achieve good results at the Tokyo Olympics. "

In order to prepare for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the State General Administration of Sport once again vigorously promoted the "cross -border" and "cross -item" selection service services.

Yang Guang, who was a director and supervisor of Banana Sports Company, said that Yang Guang, who was a director and supervisor, stated that the Olympic preparation for the Olympic Games in the Banana Sports Company was "cross -border" and "cross -item" selection of materials, including the competition with ChinaThe boat association signed the "cross -border" and "cross -item" selection service contract of the three snow projects of single board, freedom, and alpine projects.

Banana Sports Corporation also recommends the preparation office of the State General Administration of Sports and promotes the signing of 15 out -of -the -ware training contracts.In order to collect the external training given by the Olympic Games Preparation Office, Banana Sports Company signed a false consulting service contract with these foreign training companies.

The so -called "foreign training" can be briefly understood that training institutions in society outside the non -national team provide training to national team athletes.

The above projects make Banana Sports companies profit more than 30 million yuan.

In order to express her gratitude to Liu Aijie, Duan Yan provided cash, or transferred to Zhang Xiuyun, and bribed Liu Xing.These bribery, including the US dollar, euro, RMB, and bribery locations include Norway, Spain, Indonesia, Beijing, China and other places.The bribes are equivalent to about 8.01 million yuan.

In addition, from July to 2020, 2019, with the consent of Liu Aijie and help, Banana Sports also participated in the broadcast of 6 events including the Ningbo Dragon Boat World Cup on CCTV Sports Channel, earning about 4.7 million yuanProfit.

In 2020, Liu Aijie purchased a villa at the Courtyard No. 2 of Hegui Street, Shunyi District, Beijing, with a purchase price of 9.45 million yuan.His wife, Zhang Xiuyun, took away 1.5 million yuan in the name of borrowing (from the banana sports company Duan Yan), and returned 1 million yuan later. "

This 1.5 million yuan was transferred to Zhang Xiuyun by Yang Guang of Banana Sports Company on September 5, 2020.

The Henan Provincial Intermediate People's Court, who is responsible for the first instance of Liu Aijie's bribery case, believes that, with the aforementioned about 8.01 million yuan, the legal representative of Banana Sports Company Duan Yan gave Liu Aijie about 9.51 million yuan.

On April 14, 2022, less than 2 months after the end of the Beijing Winter Olympics, banana sports company canceled it.

In addition to Duan Yan, Liu Aijie also received bribes from other units and individuals equivalent to more than 14 million yuan, and a total of bribes were equivalent to RMB 23.8158 million.

On December 20, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Hebi City, Henan Province sentenced the first instance that Liu Aijie was committed to bribery and was sentenced to 11 years in prison and fined 2 million yuan."Liu Aijie had no objection to the facts and charges of the accused of bribery, and voluntarily pleaded guilty."

As for Duan Yan, two staff members from the judicial system from Hebi City confirmed to the reporter of the Economic Observation Network that Duan Yan filed a public prosecution to the Shancheng District Court by the Shancheng District Procuratorate of Hebi City for suspected bribery.

From December 27th to 29th, 2023, reporters from the Economic Observation Network contacted many officials in the Shancheng District Procuratorate of Hebi City and the Shancheng District Court.

On December 29, 2023, a spokesman for the Shancheng District Court of Hebi responded to the reporter that the trial and judgment of Duan Yan's case was "involved in trial secrets and inconvenient to inform."