According to the China Electronic Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team and the Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, China Electronics Shenzhen Great Wall Development Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Shenzhen Technology, Stock Code: 000021.SZ) Party Secretary and Chairman Zhou JianIllegal is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigations of the China Electronic Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team and the Jiangsu Provincial Supervision Commission.

Public information shows that Zhou Jian graduated from the International Economic Law of Renmin University of China and a master's degree in law.He is also a director of Development Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.He has successively served as the chairman of Shenzhen Sanda Industrial Co., Ltd., Zhuhai South Software Park Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Xingye Co., Ltd. deputy general manager and general manager of China CICC International Information Service Co., Ltd.manager.

In addition, Zhou Jian has also served as a member of the business integration preparatory team of China Electronics Information Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Electronics Group"), Director and Acting Office of the Board of Directors of the China Electronics Group, director of the Office of China Electronic Industry Engineering Company, director of the Legal Affairs Office of the Office of China Electronics Group.

According to a reporter from Nanyu Bay Private, since December 2018, Zhou Jian began to serve as the secretary of the Shenzhen Science and Technology Party Committee, and in April 2019, he served as a director and vice chairman of the company.Just a year later, during the election of the January 2020, Zhou Jian was elected as the chairman of the company's ninth board of directors for a term of three years.According to the annual report of Shenzhen Technology's 2022, 51 -year -old Zhou Jian, the term of his chairman of his chairman should be ended early this year, that is, January 7, 2023, but it shows that "the re -election has been postponed."

It was not until June 19 this year that Shenzhen Technology disclosed Zhou Jian's dynamics.Shenzhen Technology issued an announcement that the company received a notice from the company's actual controller and learned that Zhou Jian could not fulfill the duties of the chairman (legal representative) due to personal reasons.After reviewing the directors of the board of directors, they agreed that Zhou Jian would no longer be the positions of the company's chairman (legal representative) and the members of the relevant committee of the board of directors.Responsibilities of the relevant committees of the company's board of directors.

In terms of performance, from 2020 to 2022, during the period of Zhou Jian as chairman of the Shenzhen Technology, the company achieved revenue of 14.967 billion yuan, 16.488 billion yuan and 16.118 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 13.18%, 10.16%and a year -on -year decrease of 2.24%;The net profit realized net profit of 857 million yuan, 775 million yuan and 659 million yuan, respectively, an increase of 143.30%year -on -year, a year -on -year decrease of 9.54%and 15.00%.

Public information shows that from 2020 to 2022, Zhou Jian's annual salary of the previous tax period during the Shenzhen -technology period was 3.4424 million yuan, 4.488 million yuan, and 3.6195 million yuan, with an average annual salary of 3.85 million yuan.

On the day before Zhou Jian was checked, Deep Technology issued an announcement. On December 14, the first meeting of the 10th board of directors of Shenzhen Great Wall Development Technology Co., Ltd. was held at the company's headquarters meeting center.After being reviewed by the board of directors, Mr. Han Zongyuan was elected as the chairman of the company's tenth board of directors for three years.

Public information shows that Han Zongyuan, 58 years old, Chinese nationality, graduated from the Chinese Department of Jishou University, a master's degree in business administration in Hunan University, a professor -level senior politician and senior economist.The current secretary of the company's party committee.Former director of the State -owned Jiannan Machine Factory and Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenzhen Aihua Electronics Co., Ltd., Director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department of China Electronic Information Industry Group Co., Ltd.Division, director of the party building work department, director of the comprehensive management department, director of the party group office, and director of the foreign affairs office.

According to the latest third quarterly report disclosed by Shenzhen Technology, the company achieved operating income of 10.97 billion yuan in the first three quarters, a year -on -year decrease of 8.66%; net profit attributable to mothers was 447 million yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 22.39%.As of the closing of December 15, the stock price of Shenzhen Technology rose slightly by 0.3%to close 16.76 yuan/share, with a total market value of 26.16 billion yuan.

Caiwan: Qiu Moshan, reporter of Nandu Bay Publicity