China's Supreme Procuratorate disclosed that Wu Hougang, former chairman of the "Aquatic Breeding Stock" of the "Aquaculture Femination" of the China Securities Regulatory Commission for investigation of suspected information disclosure and violations of laws and regulations. Wu Hougang was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Comprehensive Securities Times, China Securities Journal, and Daily Economic News reports, China's Supreme Supreme Procuratorate held a press conference on Thursday (December 28) to "give full play to the roleThe case of the 2023 case of financial procuratorial work was released, and the important information cases of "Xizi Island" disclosed in violation of regulations.

The case pointed out that in 2016, in order to avoid the company's losses for three consecutive years, Wu Hougang, the former chairman and president of Pupzim Island, instructed the company's staff to produce a record form at the end of the fake month, adjust the shrimp reduction reduction, reduce shrimp reductionThe area of the raviolic scallops is to reduce operating costs, and the scallops that are no longer existing in some sea areas are treated with nuclear sales without nuclear sales.The 2016 annual report disclosed by Xizi Island Company's 2016 annual report increased profits of 130 million (RMB, the same below, approximately S $ 25 million), and accounted for 158.11%of the total profit of the period.

From the end of 2017 to the beginning of 2018, in order to re -plant scallops seedlings that have been captured in 2016 but have not been recorded, Wu Hougang has instructed the company personnel to set up the false tested point in the sea area and the false of the death of scallops to die.According to the news, the scallops and impairment of scallops that have been caught in the sea are also falsely increased the fishing area and operating costs to reduce the profit increase in 2016.

The 2017 annual report disclosed by Xizi Island Company's 2017 annual report has reduced profits of more than 278 million yuan, accounting for 38.57%of the total profit of the period.From February 2018 to June 2020, Wu Hougang changed the project implementation plan of the National Ocean Ranch Demonstration Zone of Dalian Xizi Island Group, in order to make other people fabricate false materials to apply for a total of more than 2,400 million yuan in subsidy funds for the construction of national artificial fish reefs.In addition, Wu Hougang and others have criminal facts such as colluding bidding, non -state staff bribery, and bribery against non -state staff.

On January 20, 2022, the People's Procuratorate of Dalian City, Liaoning Province, the crime of disclosing important information, fraud, bidding for bidding, bribery of non -state staff, non -state staff members of non -state staff, non -state staffThe bribery was prosecuted to the Dalian Intermediate People's Court.

On October 31, 2022, the Dalian Intermediate People's Court made a judgment to disclose important information, fraud, bidding, bribery against non -state staff,Penalties were decided to implement 15 years in prison and fined RMB 920,000; they were sentenced to 11 years to seven months in prison for 11 years to seven months in prison (partially applicable), and fined fines were sentenced.After the sentence, Wu Hougang and five people appealed.On May 25 this year, the second instance of the Liaoning Provincial Higher People's Court ruled that the appeal was rejected and the original sentence was maintained.

Public information shows that Xizi Island was established in September 1992 and was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2006. The main business is aquaculture industry, aquatic production industry, aquatic trade industry, cold chain logistics industry, etc.The main products include shrimp scallops, sea cucumbers, abalone, conch, sea urchin.

During Wu Hougang's helm, Xizi Island has developed from a township enterprise to the first stock of "aquaculture" in China.Wu Hougang, former chairman, was controversial.

In October 2014, Tuoko Island was first received by the marine pasture. More than 1 million acres of shrimp scallops were closed. The performance in the first three quarters changed from forecast profit to a loss of 800 million yuan.In 2017, due to the abnormal inventory of shrimp scallops in some sea areas, "the annual performance of Xizi Island changed from expected profit to a huge loss of 723 million yuan.In April 2019, Xizi Island claimed that it lost 43.14 million yuan in the first quarter, because the reason was "the disaster for the sowing shrimp scallops."In November 2019, Xizi Island announced that "large -scale natural deaths" appeared on scallops and expected to lose 278 million yuan, which had a significant impact on the performance of the year.

In February 2018, Xizi Island was investigated by the Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected information disclosure and violations of laws and regulations.After 17 months of investigation, it was found that Xizi Island, Wu Hougang and others were suspected of financial fraud, false records, and not disclosed other information in time.

On June 15, 2020, the CSRC made administrative penalties and market ban on the suspected violations of securities laws and regulations in accordance with the law.The CSRC determined that Xizi Island increased its profit of 130 million yuan in 2016, accounting for 158%of the total profit of the disclosure of the period; in 2017, the deficiency of 280 million yuan was reduced, accounting for 39%of the total profit of the period.The above behavior of Xizi Island is suspected of constituting illegal disclosure and not disclosing important information.According to the provisions of the Chinese administrative law enforcement organs transferred suspected criminal cases, the CSRC decided to transfer Xizi Island and relevant personnel to suspected securities criminal cases to public security organs in accordance with the law.

As of the close of Thursday, the stock price of Xizi Island was reported at 4.38 yuan, and the latest total market value was 3.115 billion yuan.